Page 10 - Rashut Shava
P. 10

General - Spirit of equality in the authority:

•	Conferences, shows and municipal events - will reflect gender
 equality and equal representation, with municipal advertisement
 which will undergo a gender-sensitive and a population diversity-
 sensitive examination. These frames will not allow exclusion of
 women, gender segregation or demands of modesty.

•	International Women’s Day event - will have significant and
 promotional content for women in the authority and for the
 general population, with an emphasis on the development of a
 contemporary awareness of gender issues, and not a single-
 gender, demonstrative entertaining activity.

•	The LGBT community in the authority will be free to express its
 opinion and conduct its activities. We will work actively to afford its
 members, women and men, to have genuine equality of rights.

•	Gathering through a round table - an egalitarian authority:
 A gathering will be held once a year, with the participation of
 resident women and men, in order to facilitate a feedback, identify
 additional needs, areas for improvement and joint thinking - of
 the municipality representatives and the residents - in order to
 continue the development of an equal gender authority.
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