Page 6 - Rashut Shava
P. 6
Promoting municipal fields that narrow gender gaps:
• Education: Implementing gender programs in the education
system, for all ages 2-18, for educational staff and the children. In
addition, learning in schools about gender and healthy sexuality.
• Security and safety in the authority: Increasing personal security
for the entire population through mapping of dark and dangerous
areas and providing solutions such as lighting, distribution of
cameras in public spaces, distress buttons for the municipal
police, etc.
• Public transportation: An examination of its suitability to the
needs of working parents, students, and youth during the night
hours, and of other populations. Development of solutions such
as shuttles, adapting schedules to needs, creating additional
lines, etc.
• Family-adapted authority: Upgrading in urban spaces, putting at
the top of the agenda the transportation of families from place to
place, their leisure time and the family’s quality of life, for all ages
and all types of families, including single-sex families.
• A sense of belonging in the authority: Ensuring a public space
that strengthens a sense of belonging for women, for example
having streets named after women, language and icons in the
street signs, authority documents adapted to both sexes, and
• Leisure culture: The examination of the sources for cultural
activity, for example health centers, classes, community centers,
performances, and content events which promote activity for both
genders and their accessibility to the general public.
• Promoting local small businesses in general, and women’s local
small businesses in particular: Recognition of the power of small
businesses to influence the authority’s growth, out of awareness
of the legitimate choice of some women and men, to work close