Page 8 - Rashut Shava
P. 8
to the residential area. Conditions and easing of requirements
will be examined and helpful solutions will be devised for small
businesses in the community.
• Engineering design of the public space – for example, the width
of the sidewalks, lighting, restrooms and their location, public
parks that are also suitable for little and older girls.
• Elimination of sexual harassment in the urban space:
Implementation of a protective code of conduct (“to respect”) at
leisure spaces in the authority, as well as in the youth movements
and youth departments. Working to create a proper normative
space in all media means and channels, and bringing the issue
into the public discourse in the authority.
• Elimination and prevention of phenomena of exclusion of women:
A commitment to avoid the occurrence of exclusion of women and
the separation of the sexes in events and contexts administered or
funded/sponsored by the authority. Ensuring the place of women
both as an audience and as participants in every authority’s event,
as well as committing to avoid demands for modesty from women
in the urban space.
• Health: An authority supporting a healthy lifestyle and sports
facilities for both genders in adapted locations. Establishment of
a clinic for women victims of violence and sexual assault.
• The eradication of prostitution: an action to close down
prostitution and prostitution areas in order to eradicate them,
including cleaning those spaces from related business cards.
• Centers for the full exercise of rights for disadvantaged
populations, including women, single mothers, women with
disabilities, as well as access to related information and support.