Page 4 - Rashut Shava
P. 4

Leading of an equal local authority:

•	Appointment and employment of an adviser for the advancement
 of the status of women, as required by law, in order to regularly
 promote equality issues and prevent the exclusion of women,
 while developing resources and harnessing government budgets.
 The adviser and her activities will be budgeted.
•	Professional training for departmental and division managers
 and all employees of the local authority with the view of gender-
 conscious management, and the use of tools to promote an equal
 authority and to prevent exclusion, so that the municipal areas will
 be best managed for the women and men in the local authorities.
•	Urban budgeting from a gender perspective: Managing a budget
 in a way that it analyses the current situation, examines gaps,
 locates that which needs a change, proposes a policy change and
 implements budgetary adjustments.
•	Equitable representation at decision-making centers in the
 authority and assurance of equal pay: For employees (women and
 men) of the authority, people in senior positions, public bodies,
 municipal committees, municipal boards, religious councils
 and more; taking the initiative with supporting procedures and
•	Encouragement of parents who work in the local authority
 towards the norm of balancing workplace and the home and an
 equitable division between the parents, as to work hours and end
 of working days, recognition of work at home, absences and the
•	Establishment of a committee for gender equality - as one of the
 local authority›s committees.
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