Page 2 - Rashut Shava
P. 2

This document was presented as an ’open source’, which can be
used as needed, in whole or in part, to help and enable any candidate
to the Israeli municipal elections of October, 2018, to declare their
vision in the field of gender equality and to specify the areas which
an authority under their direction will undertake to work on.

I, ______________ Head of Municipality/Council/Authority
____________ know that an authority good for women is an authority
good for all citizens - children and girls, elderly women and men,
including people with disabilities and special needs.
As head of the authority, I undertake to promote equality in the
authority, including gender equality, and I will work actively to
develop a quality and more equal society.
I hereby notify, that the issue of gender equality is one of the most
significant issues in my view, and I intend to put it on the agenda as
part of the authority›s work plan.
I undertake to give equal opportunities to women and men in my
community and to ensure that no residents are discriminated against
based on sex, gender, sexual orientation or other characteristic.
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