Page 82 - ISU Echague LUDIP
P. 82
Planning and Development Guidelines
Campus design has always been diverse. Although, the design of each building should reflect its own time and exude a certain individual character, there should exist a
coherent and memorable identity for the campus as a whole. Designing with the environment is a vital approach to contextualize and provide the appropriate development for the
present and future needs of ISU. Designing with the environment encompasses the considerations on the natural and built environment of the campus, the impacts of climate change,
the existing trends in agricultural state universities, the planned programs for ISU and their alignment with the provincial, regional and national development plans and the potential
strengths and weaknesses of the institution.
These are now the goals of the proposed general design guidelines for the ISU-Echague campus. They will
primarily improve the overall aesthetic character, the visual and functional unity of the campus and transform the university
into a disaster-resilient campus. Each new development will contribute to these goals through an integrated design approach
that creates a desirable sense of place and reflects the appropriate scale, image, functionality and integration of building and
open space. These design guidelines represent the commitment of ISU-Echague campus on the design of future buildings
and development of new areas in a more cohesive and sustainable approach.
1. Designated Open Spaces Courtyard with a student center
It is important to clearly identify open spaces on campus. No development (enclosed building space) shall occur
in the designated open spaces. All construction projects must enhance (create, improve or expand) open spaces within their
designated area. Outdoor classroom activities should be considered in the design of the open space. Pathways that provide
connections between open spaces should be integral in the design.
2. Campus Edges
The look and feel of campus edges have a significant impact on the campus environment as well as the bigger community.
They are the parts of the campus that are most visible to the public. Every opportunity should be taken to improve views Bamboo – lined perimeter
into and out of the campus. The overall quality of the edges is most important, whether open spaces, buildings or
landscape features. It is important for the university, a public institution to maintain a positive and visible association with the
adjacent community and the general public. The campus edges should convey the university’s public role, its mission and its
history. The character-defining features of the campus’s open spaces, landscapes and building designs should be evident
at the campus edges.
The transition between the campus and the community should encourage a positive reaction between the two. The boundary
of the university, particularly the front can be alternately lined up with native fruit-bearing trees and endemic bamboos. This
will serve as a buffer from outside noise, a filter from the carbon emissions outside the campus, a look for distinct character
promoting the natural resources of the province and a means to create a micro-climate with cool, clean and fresh air within
the campus. Furthermore, the bamboos can serve as windbreakers to reduce wind force. This will create a natural feel of a
green and sustainable university.
Bamboo – lined road
ISABELA STATE Land Use Development and Campus Planning and Development
UNIVERSITY Infrastructure Plan Guidelines
Main campus