Page 120 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 120

Q7. What is so special about being a                                 Q8. What advice would you give to

                  Springdalian?                                                        Grade 1 students who will be in Grade
                                                                                       2 next year?

                                            Being a Springdalian is so much                                       You have to be on time with your
                                            fun. If I were not here with my                                       tasks, write faster and work as a
                                            friends, I wouldn’t be happy. It’s                                    group.
                                            the best school in the world!

                                            SAMAARA DATTA - 2A                                                    GEET BHATIA - 2B

                  Q9. If you could change one thing about                              Q10. What is the best thing that you like

                  the school, what would it be?                                        about school?

                                            We could make it paperless, green-                                    The PE periods and the activities
                                            er and use more technology!                                           that happen during the classes….. I
                                                                                                                  just love them!!!!!!!!

                                            MAANYA PATIRA - 2G                                                    PRAJIT MAITI - 3F

                  Q11. How is your school different than                             Q12. What do you think is the best
                  the other schools?                                                 thing about Springdales ?

                                                                                                               A school is place of learning for a child. It is
                                            We have many fun activities in                                     a training ground for him. Here in Spring-
                                            our school. The teachers are very                                  dales  I formed new  associates,  came in
                                            caring!                                                            contact with children of different temper-
                                                                                                               aments and inculcated new ideas and hab-
                                                                                                               its. Spring dales believes in equality, which
                                                                                                               is one of the most commendable
                                                                                                               it the principal or a grade 1 student both
                                            ARADHIKA GUPTA - 3F                                                can talk to each other without any hesita-

                                                                                                               tion or discomfort.

                                                                                                               NAYAB SINGH - 8A

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