Page 123 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 123

Q25. What do you  consider to be your                                Q28. How would you help students

                  strengths and how do you use them in                                 experience success ?
                  teaching ?

                                             My greatest strengths are creativity,                                Helping students experience success
                                             out of box thinking and using innova-                                is  the  main  priority  of  any  teach-
                                             tive means of learning.                                              er.  Setting targets and creating
                                             I do the same in teaching by using var-                              awareness in students of the steps to
                                             ied means and bringing out the best in                               achieve the targets go a long way.  All
                                             students by enhancing their creativi-                                students learn at a different pace and
                                             ty and imagination.                                                  have a different learning style.  Incor-
                                                                                                                  porating a variety of different learn-
                                             MS. DEEPTI BECTOR                                                    ing style techniques keeps the stu-
                                                                                                                  dents engaged and interested.  Last
                                             CLASS TEACHER - 5A                                                   but not the least, one must believe
                                                                                                                  in the students and have high expec-
                                                                                                                  tations for them to motivate them to
                                                                                                                  achieve their best.
                  Q27. Why did you choose to become a

                   Math teacher?                                                                                  MS. SANGEETHA SREEDHARAN
                                                                                                                  SUBJECT LEADER - ENGLISH
                                            Personally for the love of the subject.
                                            The beauty of the subject is that it is
                                            there in all walks of life. It inculcates
                                            critical thinking. Professionally, I look
                                            forward to cherish the successes of
                                            my students when they become scien-
                                            tists, engineers etc…

                                            MS. SANGEETA CHOPRA
                                            SUBJECT LEADER - MATH

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