Page 124 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 124

Q28. Do you remember your first day in Springdales?

                                             Yes.  I  do  remember  my  first  day  in                            When I entered the premises of
                                             Springdales,  and  my  first  class  9A                              Springdales with anticipation in my
                                             and all of a sudden I fell in love with                              heart, I was warmly greeted by Ms.
                                             all students.                                                        Farah and Ms. Opinder who then
                                                                                                                  escorted me to the staff room to meet
                                                                                                                  other colleagues. And in an instant
                                                                                                                  I felt the positive vibe and I realized
                                                                                                                  that I have come to the right place.

                                             MS. OPINDER KAUR                                                     MS. RIYA BOSE
                                             GRADE COORDINATOR 6-9                                                SUBJECT LEADER -
                                                                                                                  ENGLISH (SECONDARY)

                                             My  first  visit  to  Spring  Dales  was  a                          The memory of my first day at school
                                             couple of years ago, whilst I was busy                               is still fresh in my mind. I was full of
                                             hunting for a good school for my child,                              energy and hope, little nervous too, I
                                             the interaction was good and I left                                  could easily feel butterfly in my stom-
                                             with a positive experience. The name                                 ach. I was well prepared for my lesson.
                                             ‘Spring Dales’ kept resonating every                                 I walked into the classroom where
                                             now and then, either through friends                                 thirty 11 year olds were waiting for
                                             who sent their kids to this school or                                me. Children were looking at me with
                                             teachers who taught here. Over time,                                 great anticipation and interest; I
                                             it had become synonymous for quali-                                  can never forget the sparkle in their
                                             ty education and sound management,                                   eyes. After an ice breaking session,
                                             goes a long way to show how quick                                    children started enjoying the lesson.
                                             and effective the brand positioning                                  I witnessed the light bulb moments
                                             was. So the moment I decided come                                    when student started to understand
                                             to out of my short sabbatical, Spring                                something they did not know before.
                                             Dales was right at the top of my list of
                                             preferred employers. It was like ‘I had
                                             found my purpose and the means just

                                                                                                                  MS. JASKIRAN KAUR
                                             MS. NISHIJA JAIN                                                     FLOAT TEACHER
                                             CLASS TEACHER - 6B

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