Page 125 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 125

Q29. What do you think is the best thing about Springdales?

                                             The best thing about Springdales  is                                The best thing about Springdales is
                                             the motto of the school,” World is a                                its holistic approach towards educa-
                                             family” and “Quintessentially Indian,                               tion.  Springdales  is  synonymous  with
                                             Innovatively International”. We as a                                progressive education. I immediately
                                             family truly believe in it.                                         connected with the tag line “Quintes-
                                                                                                                 sentially Indian, Innovatively Inter-
                                                                                                                 national” because that is the need of
                                                                                                                 the hour. Our children don’t forget our
                                             MS. OPINDER KAUR                                                    traditional values and at the same time
                                             GRADE COORDINATOR 6-9                                               receives progressive education.

                                             The best thing about Springdales                                    MS. JASKIRAN KAUR
                                             is that we all believe that we are                                  FLOAT TEACHER
                                             learners and even being a teacher, I
                                             carry home some new learning every

                                             MS. RIYA BOSE
                                             SUBJECT LEADER -
                                             ENGLISH (SECONDARY)

                  Q30. Share your best memory in Springdales School.

                                             It is not difficult rather impossible                                We  create  memories  in Springdales
                                             to choose any one best memory in                                     every day. All the moments spent with
                                             Springdales. Each and every moment                                   my students in the class room and
                                             I spend in Springdales is cherished                                  with my colleagues in the staffroom
                                             and memorable.                                                       are special and they are part of best
                                                                                                                  memories in school. All the special
                                                                                                                  occasions where the school comes
                                                                                                                  together as a whole, in events such
                                                                                                                  as Taste of India and Annual Sports
                                                                                                                  Meet…  all  these  are  my  loving

                                             MS. OPINDER KAUR                                                     MS. RIYA BOSE
                                             GRADE COORDINATOR  6-9                                               SUBJECT LEADER -
                                                                                                                  ENGLISH (SECONDARY)

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