Page 122 - Year Book 2018_New
P. 122

Q19. How do you feel when you have a                                 Q20. Do you enjoy coming to school

                  stay back?                                                           every day? Why?

                                            I feel it’s a good time to plan and                                   Yes I love to come to school every
                                            work with other teachers though at                                    day!!! The smiling and enthusi-
                                            times it feels like a long day.                                       astic faces of children pull me to
                                                                                                                  school every day.

                                            MS. ZAHEEN SIDDIQUI
                                            CLASS TEACHER - 2D                                                    MS. JUSTINA D’SOUZA
                                                                                                                  CLASS TEACHER - 3D

                  Q21. Doesn’t it get monotonous to do the                             Q22. What do you do in the weekend?

                  same work every day?

                                            No, absolutely not… Every class                                       In the weekend I spent time with
                                            is different from the other so we                                     my family.
                                            get to do exciting things in every
                                            class.. Moreover there’s so much                                      MS. SUKANYA NANDI
                                            to learn from you all!!!!
                                                                                                                  CLASS TEACHER - 3F

                                            MS. VRUSHTI MEHTI
                                            CLASS TEACHER - 3B

                  Q23. What type of students could you                                Q24. What inspired you to be a teacher ?
                  teach effectively ?

                                            I would like to teach active, lively,                                I decided to be a teacher because my
                                            smart, creative and innovative                                       teacher changed my world by equip-
                                            students.                                                            ping me with skills that helped me
                                                                                                                 to lead my life successfully. I want-
                                                                                                                 ed to return to the society what I
                                            MS. MARWA                                                            gained from my teachers.
                                            ARABIC TEACHER

                                                                                                                 MS. PRATIMA CHATWAL
                                                                                                                 CLASS TEACHER - 4B

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