Page 114 - Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
P. 114

104 | Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
                                  ©  Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
                                                            ISBN 978-967-####-##-#

            mentorship programs will be the outcome of such collaboration, which
            can be shared with similar projects.

            In conclusion, among the critical areas is the financial matters. One of
            the most essential financial constraints mompreneurs face is childcare
            expenses. The Jarum Emas Project, under the Islamic Social Finance
            for B40 Community initiative, has aimed to address these challenges
            comprehensively.  The  project  emphasises  the  need  for  innovative
            solutions  considering  the  intersectionality  of  familial  and
            entrepreneurial  responsibilities.  Providing  financial  assistance  using
            zakat is crucial to empowering mompreneurs economically. However,
            the lack of motivation and support from family and community may
            add additional difficulty for participants. Recognising these women's
            emotional struggles, a supportive environment is much needed. For
            instance, initiatives that can break down gender-related stereotypes,
            provide emotional support, and build a sense of community are critical
            components for the holistic empowerment of mompreneurs.

            This study also emphasises Islamic finance's potential through zakat
            and waqf, in empowering womenpreneur. It can be argued that using
            zakat  funds  can  provide  direct  financial  assistance,  while  waqf  can
            contribute to developing sustainable community centres. Furthermore,
            the  involvement  of  Islamic  financial  institutions  in  monitoring  and
            supporting  these  initiatives  is  vital.  Also,  collaboration  with  higher
            educational  institutes  to  enhance  the  potential  of  mompreneurs  is
            needed.  Finally,  to  ensure  the  success  of  the  community  project,
            ongoing  collaboration  with  universities,  community  members,  and
            stakeholders is essential. Directing significant funding through zakat
            and waqf for special projects can initiate various programs to educate
            and empower the B40 community, fostering positive relationships and
            sustainable development.

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