Page 110 - Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
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100 | Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
                                  ©  Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
                                                            ISBN 978-967-####-##-#

            A pressing issue that has surfaced is the notable lack of motivation and
            support from both the familial and community spheres. This absence
            of  encouragement  and  backing  poses  a  significant  obstacle  to  the
            emotional well-being and empowerment of these womenpreneurs.

            Participants  find  themselves  contending  with  a  dearth  of
            understanding and support for their entrepreneurial pursuits within
            their families. This lack of acknowledgment or encouragement may
            stem from traditional gender roles or societal expectations, where the
            concept of women engaging in business ventures may not align with
            conventional  norms.  Consequently,  these  women  face  emotional
            struggles within their homes, compounding their challenges.

            The  community,  too,  presents  a  hurdle  as  the  womenpreneurs
            experience  a  sense  of  isolation  or,  in  some  instances,  a  lack  of
            recognition for their efforts. The absence of a supportive network or
            communal  acknowledgment  further  exacerbates  feelings  of
            demotivation  and  disempowerment.  These  women  find  themselves
            battling their individual problems and a prevailing sense of neglect or
            indifference from those around them. The emotional burden of these
            challenges  becomes  a  formidable  barrier,  leaving  the  participants
            feeling  downtrodden  and  without  the  necessary  motivation  to
            overcome their difficulties. This lack of emotional empowerment can
            have  a  cascading  effect  on  their  overall  well-being,  hindering  their
            resilience and capacity to confront and surmount obstacles.

            Addressing  this  multifaceted  issue  requires  financial  support  and  a
            concerted  effort  to  build  a  nurturing  and  supportive  environment.
            Initiatives aimed at fostering a sense of community, breaking down
            gender-related  stereotypes,  and  providing  emotional  support  are
            crucial  components  in  enabling  these  womenpreneurs  to  not  only
            navigate  their  entrepreneurial  journeys  but  also  to  empower

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