Page 182 - Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
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172 | Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
                                  ©  Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
                                                            ISBN 978-967-####-##-#

            to help the underprivileged pay the cost of disease treatment. This
            situation will create an ecosystem of cooperation and mutual help to
            help  fellow  communities  in  the  global  world,  using  the  wisdom  of
            information technology and big data.

            In order to motivate corporates, millionaires and wealthy individuals,
            credit rating information is created in this GESE system. This credit
            rating  information  allows  the  global  community  to  know  which
            corporate companies or billionaires make the most contributions and
            carry out philanthropic acts for communities in need. With this rating,
            the  world  community  will  be  able  to  buy/subscribe  to  goods  and
            services from corporate companies/millionaire individuals who have
            donated a lot to others. This situation will cause healthy competition
            among successful corporate companies to continue helping the poor
            and  those  in  need.  With  the  existence  of  this  GESE  system,
            cooperation  and  interdependence  between  all  parties  in  the  global
            community will form a holistic socioeconomic ecosystem. As a result,
            the poverty rate and income disparity between the rich and the poor
            will be reduced.

            In order to implement this GESE system, the roles of various parties
            such  as  the  government,  corporate  bodies,  educational  and  health
            institutions,  local  businesses  and  community  members  should  be
            mobilized comprehensively. For the government sector, the following
            important elements must be implemented to ensure the success and
            effectiveness of the GESE framework:
            1.  In order to ensure that the people who receive assistance do not
               take advantage and are comfortable without having to work, the
               determination of ability according to needs must be implemented.
               The  poor  will  be  categorized  as  the  Productive  Poor,  who  are
               healthy,  of  working  age,  have  no  critical  illness,  and  are  not
               disabled. This group is only given help in the initial stage before

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