Page 183 - Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
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Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development | 173
© Zakat & Waqf: Impact on Women and Community Development
ISBN 978-967-####-##-#
getting a job. The second poor group is categorized as the Marginal
Poor, who are the elderly who are unable to work, the critically ill
and the disabled. These people find it difficult to get a job and they
will continue to be given assistance to aid their survival.
2. Regulation of global data sharing and an obligation for people to
fill in their respective household information forms.
3. Creating personal/household profiling data that is able to match
people's skills and interests with income opportunities worldwide.
This will create smart contracts to support self-employment.
4. A form of circular socioeconomics that takes into account the
economic, social, welfare, health, education, protection and other
5. Global spending across countries.
6. Transforming the global economy.
7. Establishing technology forecasting and assessment agencies to
inform legislative, judicial, and executive functions of government
about future technology and their potential range of impacts (a
government Agency for the Future).
8. Producing cash transfers based on global community demand
(Ahmad & Yahaya; 2022)
9. Creating effective tax relief for the corporate/individual sector that
makes a large contribution to global socioeconomic development.
10. Enforcing a green economy policy to avoid environmental
In addition, the suggested roles to be performed by corporate houses
are as follows:
1. Public/private partnerships to resolve issues regarding
unemployment, poverty, basic income and issues to be resolved.
2. Advertise vacancies, scholarships and other opportunities across
the globe.