Lions Link 10-18
P. 1

   2018 – 2019 District 2-X1 Executive Committee
District Governor Keith Murray (Daughter Lion Karen) Irving Noon Day Lions Club 979-492-7310 CL
1st Vice District Governor Vinod Mathur
(Lion Gloria)
Dallas Filipino Lions Club 817-430-2546 HM
2nd Vice District Governor Billy Ketner Sachse Lions Club 972-414-9922 CL
Cabinet Secretary Karen Johnson Wylie Evening Lions Club 972-793-4144 CL
Cabinet Treasurer John Stare (Bonnye)
Irving Noon Day Lions Club 9720-824-8862 CL
By District Governor Keith Murray
Fall is upon us. The State Fair Parade was another nice event and brought
Lions some good publicity and visibility. Thanks to PDG Darla and her crew for the work. Welcome to the New Lancaster club and their successful charter night. Next up will be the charter for the Plano Nepalese Lions so stay tuned. As IPDG and GMT leader Lion Henry pointed out many clubs have not added a member this year. With October being Membership Month, we hope that many of you will add members. Our district is knocking on 1800 members and we need to reach 2,000 by June.
My thanks to the Richardson Midday Lions, the Duncanville Lions and the DeSoto Lions for hosting me last month. I also attended the USA/Canada Lions Leadership Forum in Columbus Ohio with a few others from the District. Good speakers and a message from International President Gudrun Yngvadottir.3
We will have the 2nd Cabinet Meeting on October 20th in Kaufman. I encourage all the new officers that have not been to training to attend as we will have sessions to cover the training requirement for the 100% President and Secretary awards. While the requirement is that each club report activities at least once a year, we have 20 clubs that have not reported ANY for this year. Has your club participated in the 100% giving to charities yet?
The Texas MD2 Council of Governors has opened the door for Lions to announce that they are running for International Director. Lions Sam Lindsey has finished his 2-year term on the board and we need to elect one from Texas. There are 2 announced candidates at this time. TJ Tijerina from San Antonio, who was the Council Chair during Bill Smothermon’s year, and Ronnie Martin from Lake Jackson, who has been a new club recruiter for LCI. Both are PDG’s from their respective districts. You will vote on one of them at then District convention in April.
We are still fine tuning the website and the email blasts, so bear with us. Visit the updated website and give my any feedback on what you see or want to see there.
Keith's Komments

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