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   2018 – 2019 District 2-X1 Executive Committee
District Governor Keith Murray (Daughter Lion Karen) Irving Noon Day Lions Club 979-492-7310 CL
1st Vice District Governor Vinod Mathur
(Lion Gloria)
Dallas Filipino Lions Club 817-430-2546 HM
2nd Vice District Governor Billy Ketner Sachse Lions Club 972-414-9922 CL
Cabinet Secretary Karen Johnson Wylie Evening Lions Club 972-793-4144 CL
Cabinet Treasurer John Stare (Bonnye)
Irving Noon Day Lions Club 9720-824-8862 CL
By District Governor Keith Murray
My thanks to the Rockwall, Dallas White Rock, Lancaster New Centennial, Carrollton Evening, Collin County Campus and the Cedar Hill Lions for good visits this month. I have several more lined up, but still need to hear from your club to schedule a visit. Our District is still up in membership, and I am inducting new members as I visit! Good news!
2nd VDG Billy Ketner has announced the District Picnic and I encourage all of you to sigh up for it. More information in this issue!
We still have openings an all the boards and the Cabinet meeting in March is the last time to read letters of nomination. See the article on that in this issue of the Link. A resolution placed on the ballot an increase in the District dues of up to $5.00 per member to be moved to 2-X1 Charities to fund scholarships and the administration of them. Another resolution places the name of the Texas Lions Recycling Center Foundation on the list of recognized Charities for the District. There is a State vote to decide whether Ernesto “TJ” Tijerina or Ronnie Martin will be the endorsed candidate for International Director from Texas, and some “cleanup” on the wording in the State Constitution to bring it in line with the LCI revisions to voting requirements. Send your delegate information to Cabinet Secretary Karen Johnson and register to vote.
It is now time to sign up for the District Convention in April, the State Convention in May and the bus trip to the Texas Lions Camp President’s Picnic in Kerrville in August. See to forms in this newsletter. I know they are coming close together but are all important events.
Just Ask One!
Keith's Komments

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