Page 11 - KPA 8 OCT 2015
P. 11
U.S. NEWSThursday 8 October 2015
Oregon gunman killed himself after police wounded him
Douglas County Deputy Sheriff Greg Kennerly, left, and Oregon State Trooper Tom Willis stand lay dead and wounded, teaching the class. Another
a prosecutor told a news private service was held
guard outside the apartment building where alleged Umpqua Community College gunman conference. Wednesday for 44-year-
It was authorities’ most de- old Sarena Dawn Moore of
Chris Harper Mercer lived with his mother in Roseburg, Ore. The deadly shooting last week tailed account yet of the Myrtle Creek. More funerals
gunman’s death. Previous- are scheduled through Sat-
has an eerie parallel with the massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School that killed 20 ly, they had said only that urday.
the 26-year-old attacker President Obama plans to
pupils and six adult staff members in 2012. Like Adam Lanza, the gunman in the Connecticut killed himself after a shoot- travel to Roseburg on Friday
out. to meet with victims’ fami-
massacre, Christopher Harper-Mercer was living a mostly solitary life with a mom who shared his The detectives arrived with- lies. Obama’s calls for strict-
in minutes of the first reports er gun laws in the wake of
fascination with firearms. (AP Photo/Rich Pedroncelli) of gunfire at Umpqua Com- the shootings did not sit well
munity College. with many people in this
JONATHAN J. COOPER front of his victims after the doorway of a campus Seconds later, the officers conservative region, where
Associated Press two police officers wound- building, he fired at them, “both felt they had a good gun ownership is pervasive.
ROSEBURG, Oregon (AP) — ed him, authorities said and the officers quickly re- target,” Douglas County Three county commission-
The gunman who fatally Wednesday. turned fire. The killer then District Attorney Rick We- ers appeared at a news
shot nine people at an Or- When two plainclothes went back inside and senberg said. Two of their conference Wednesday to
egon community college detectives spotted Chris- shot himself in a classroom bullets hit a wall. A third try to tamp down any sug-
last week killed himself in topher Harper-Mercer in where many of his victims struck Harper-Mercer on gestion that Obama was
the right side. not welcome.
The wounded gunman “en- “Regardless of our differ-
tered the classroom again, ences with the president
went to the front of the on policy issues, we await
classroom and shot and the president’s arrival and
killed himself,” Wesenberg look forward to his show of
said. The attack in this rural support for a community
timber town was the worst who is grieving and whose
mass shooting in Oregon heartache is immeasur-
history. Eight students and able, especially the families
a teacher died. Nine others of those killed,” said Susan
were wounded. Morgan, chairwoman of
A private memorial has the Douglas County Com-
been held for Lawrence mission, reading from a
Levine, who was killed while statement.q
Man pleads guilty to killing 5
relatives with a meat cleaver
MICHAEL BALSAMO in the house with a knife
Associated Press and threatening the fam-
NEW YORK (AP) — A Chi- ily. When the mother-in-law
nese immigrant who au- heard children crying in the
thorities said butchered background, she called
five relatives with a meat other relatives in New York
cleaver, including four who rushed to the home
small children, will serve in Brooklyn’s Sunset Park
at least 125 years in pris- neighborhood. By the time
on after pleading guilty they arrived, the five rela-
Wednesday to murder and tives were dead and Chen
manslaughter charges. was dripping in blood.
Mingdong Chen admitted Police said the family had
that he killed his cousin’s been slaughtered, each
wife, 37-year-old Qiao of the five repeatedly
Zhen Li, and her children, stabbed and slashed in
Linda, 9; Amy, 7; Kevin, the throat and neck. Their
5; and William Zhou, 18 bodies were found strewn
months; in October 2013. about the house. Chen
The 27-year-old showed had been staying in their
no visible reaction as he home for about a week
entered his plea. Under before the killings, authori-
a deal with prosecutors, ties said.
Chen must serve at least When detectives ques-
125 years in prison before tioned him, Chen told
becoming eligible for pa- them he was jealous of the
role. success of his fellow Chi-
Prosecutors said Li called nese immigrants, police
her mother-in-law in China said. Relatives said he had
on the evening of Oct. 27, been fired from different
2013, saying Chen was restaurant jobs.q