Page 12 - KPA 8 OCT 2015
P. 12
Thursday 8 October 2015
Anxious Israelis told to be on alert amid wave of attacks
TIA GOLDENBERG Israeli police officers stand guard as medics evacuate a wounded Palestinian woman following yahu said, after a meeting
Associated Press with top police officials.
JERUSALEM (AP) — Pales- a stabbing attack in Jerusalem Wednesday, Oct. 7, 2015. The woman stabbed an Israeli man Barkat, the Jerusalem may-
tinian assailants carried out or, defended his decision
a series of stabbings across who then shot and wounded her in Jerusalem’s Old City on Wednesday after some of the tight to carry a rifle while visiting
Israel on Wednesday, jolt- an Arab neighborhood in
ing an anxious country security measures imposed following a series of deadly Palestinian attacks were lifted, police east Jerusalem on Monday
unnerved by weeks of un- night. His office said he was
rest as clashes between said. (AP Photo/Olivier Fitoussi) a former military officer
Israeli forces and Palestin- and licensed to carry the
ian demonstrators raged hurt. Another Palestinian Bank. It also briefly barred estinians, including three weapon.
across the West Bank. was wounded when he non-resident Palestinians attackers, have been “Many terror attacks in Je-
The violence forced Prime was shot by police after from entering the Old City, killed. rusalem have been pre-
Minister Benjamin Netan- he attempted to run over home to sensitive holy sites. With the attacks spilling vented or neutralized due
yahu to call off a high-pro- an officer at a West Bank That ban was lifted shortly into the Israeli heartland, to the quick actions and
file visit to Germany and checkpoint, police said. before Wednesday’s stab- Netanyahu warned Israelis response of responsible
prompted him to tell the Netanyahu has threat- bing. to be on guard. bystanders,” it said, not-
nation to be on “alert” for ened a tough response In all, four Israelis have “Civilians are at the fore- ing that earlier this year,
further trouble. And in an- to the violence, and Israel been killed in stabbings front of the war against the mayor helped stop a
other sign of the tensions, has beefed up security in and a roadside shooting in terrorism and must also be knife-wielding Palestinian
Jerusalem’s mayor, Nir Bar- Jerusalem and the West recent days, while five Pal- on maximum alert,” Netan- attacker.
kat, was seen carrying an Adnan Husseini, the top
assault rifle while visiting an Palestinian official for Je-
Arab neighborhood. rusalem, called Barkat’s
The unrest began three armed appearance “a
weeks ago and has spread declaration of war” on
from the confines of a sen- Palestinian residents of the
sitive Jerusalem holy site to city.
spots across Israel and the “It’s incitement for other Is-
West Bank. In Wednesday’s raelis to do the same,” he
violence, stabbings oc- said.
curred outside a crowded In the attack outside the
mall in central Israel, in a mall, which occurred in the
southern Israeli town and in city of Petah Tikva, police
the Old City of Jerusalem. said civilians apprehended
Israeli forces shot two of the suspected Palestinian
the attackers, killing one, assailant after he stabbed
while a third was arrested. and slightly wounded a
No Israelis were seriously man.q
Battling IS, Iraqi Kurdish fighters exposed to mustard gas
BRAM JANSSEN place during the battles as a chemical weapon much of northern Iraq last gold-standard laboratory.”
VIVIAN SALAMA along the front lines near against its fighters. The al- year. Iraqi government “We continue to monitor
Associated Press the northern Iraqi towns of legation by the Kurdistan forces and allied Shiite mi- reports of chemical weap-
IRBIL, Iraq (AP) — Several Makhmour and Gwer, he Region Security Council, litias have since joined the on use closely and stress
Iraqi Kurdish troops tested said. stemming from a Jan. 23 fight, backed by U.S.-led that any use of chemicals
positive for mustard gas af- The blood tests raise the suicide truck bomb attack coalition airstrikes. or biological material as a
ter battles this summer with specter that IS used mus- in northern Iraq, followed Yawar said forces from the weapon would be further
the Islamic State group in tard gas in fighting the similar allegations about U.S.-led coalition also took evidence of ISIL’s barbar-
northern Iraq, a spokes- peshmerga forces. If con- the militants using the low- blood and soil samples in ity,” Warren added, using
man for the paramilitary firmed, it would be the lat- grade chemical weapons the same area and that an acronym for the Islamic
group said Wednesday. est chemical agent appar- against Iraqi security forces those also tested positive. State group.
Blood samples from the ently procured and used as well as on Kurdish fight- However, according to According to a statement
Kurdish peshmerga fighters by the extremist Islamic ers in Syria. Army Col. Steven Warren, Wednesday from the pesh-
sent to a Baghdad lab re- State in the war. Iraqi Kurdish troops, trained the spokesman for the U.S.- merga force, the Islamic
vealed traces of the toxic In March, Kurdish authori- and helped by American led coalition in Iraq, “the State militants fired some
gas, the spokesman, Jabar ties in Iraq said they had advisers, took the lead in field test was not conclu- 50 mortar rounds on Iraqi
Yawar told The Associated evidence that the militant battling IS after the extrem- sive.” He added that “test- Kurdish positions on Aug.
Press. The exposure took IS group used chlorine gas ist group blitzed across ing will be done off-site in a 11.q