Page 14 - KPA 8 OCT 2015
P. 14


WORLD NEWSThursday 8 October 2015

US official says Cuba should develop private sector 

HAVANA (AP) — U.S. Com-         She started her visit Tues-      make it easier for Cuban                                       on Cuba. A trade embargo           also taking steps to update
merce Secretary Penny           day with a stop at the Mari-     citizens to trade and travel                                   remains in place under U.S.        its regulatory system and re-
Pritzker on Wednesday           el free trade zone outside       more freely, to enjoy the                                      law, but Obama is now al-          form the economy in ways
called on the Cuban gov-        the capital of Havana.           fruits of their labor, to ac-                                  lowing U.S. firms to send          that support continued de-
ernment to let private en-      The commerce secretary           cess the Internet and to                                       supplies to private Cuban          velopment of the Cuban
terprise thrive on the com-     is the most senior U.S. offi-    (be) hired directly by for-                                    businesses and export tele-        private sector and increase
munist-ruled island and to      cial to travel to Cuba since     eign companies,” she said                                      phones, computers and In-          the prosperity of the Cuban
grant its citizens greater ac-  Secretary of State John          Wednesday at the start of                                      ternet technology.                 people.” Cuba’s foreign
cess to the Internet.           Kerry visited on Aug. 14 for     meetings between officials                                     The U.S. government has            ministry said in a statement
Pritzker was visiting Cuba      a flag-raising ceremony          from both countries.                                           also eliminated the previ-         that the goal of the meet-
for two days, leading a del-    outside the U.S. diplomatic      Since the Dec. 17 an-                                          ous limit on remittances           ings is an “exchange over
egation of officials from the   mission in Havana, which is      nouncement that the for-                                       that people can send to            the reach and limitations of
U.S. Treasury, Commerce         now upgraded to a full em-       mer Cold War foes would                                        relatives on the island,           the measures recently tak-
and State departments for       bassy following restoration      work toward normalization                                      among other measures.              en by the U.S. government
meetings with officials from    of relations in July.            of relations, the Obama                                        The impact of those moves,         to modify some aspects of
Cuban government minis-         “We urge President Cas-          administration has eased                                       Pritzer said, “will depend         the application of the em-
tries and businesses.           tro and his government to        some economic restrictions                                     on the Cuban government            bargo against Cuba.” q

Kerry pays visit to Haiti to discuss election preparations 

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, center, shakes hand with Haiti’s President Michel Martelly at the                           States said the irregularities     ment and jobs.
National Palace in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. Kerry stopped briefly in Haiti to discuss preparations for                            were not enough to invali-         He said the U.S. and the
the country’s upcoming presidential and parliamentary elections.                                                                date overall results.              rest of the international
                                                                                                                                “Haiti needs governing             community hope that the
                                                                                                  ( AP Photo/Dieu Nalio Chery)  institutions that are legiti-      Oct. 25 elections will be a
                                                                                                                                mate and representative,           “smoother process” than
DAVID McFADDEN                  country’s upcoming elec-         were so plagued with disor-                                    and those cannot come              what took place in August.
Associated Press                tions and encourage peo-         der and voter intimidation                                     into being without free and        In a Caribbean country
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti (AP)      ple to refrain from disrupting   that makeup elections will                                     fair elections that take part      that has undergone more
— U.S. Secretary of State       balloting after a messy par-     have to be held in more                                        without intimidation, with-        than 30 coups in 200 years,
John Kerry stopped in Hai-      liamentary first round in Au-    than two dozen constitu-                                       out violence,” Kerry said          Kerry stressed that it was
ti’s capital on Tuesday to      gust. In some districts, legis-  encies. Monitors with the                                      on the grounds of Haiti’s          only through holding elec-
discuss preparations for the    lative elections held Aug. 9     Organization of American                                       National Palace in Port-au-        tions that a “legitimate
                                                                                                                                Prince. Haiti will hold its first  transfer of power can take
                                                                                                                                round of presidential elec-        place.”
                                                                                                                                tions on Oct. 25 at the same       Martelly thanked Kerry for
                                                                                                                                time as runoffs for legisla-       Washington’s support with
                                                                                                                                tive seats. With none of the       helping to finance elec-
                                                                                                                                54 presidential candidates         tions, strengthen the rough-
                                                                                                                                likely to dominate voting,         ly 12,000-member national
                                                                                                                                this month’s election is ex-       police force and boost
                                                                                                                                pected to force the two            the chronically struggling
                                                                                                                                highest vote-getters into a        economy. The U.S. is Haiti’s
                                                                                                                                Dec. 27 runoff to become           largest international donor,
                                                                                                                                Haiti’s next leader.               providing more than $30
                                                                                                                                With outgoing President Mi-        million to support this year’s
                                                                                                                                chel Martelly at his side, Ker-    electoral process alone.
                                                                                                                                ry encouraged Haitians to          Acknowledging that the
                                                                                                                                listen to those candidates         Aug. 9 elections were “far
                                                                                                                                who offer “real plans” to          from perfect,” Martelly said
                                                                                                                                advance the country, not-          that the upcoming vote on
                                                                                                                                ing there needs to be con-         Oct. 25 “should be better”
                                                                                                                                fidence in the political sys-      organized by election au-
                                                                                                                                tem to help attract invest-        thorities. q

37 accused of smuggling drugs through Puerto Rico’s airport 

DANICA COTO                     do, Baltimore, Philadelphia      and that they often carried                                    investigation that began           of smuggling millions of
Associated Press                and Connecticut. U.S. At-        cash on their trips back to                                    in December 2014 with the          dollars’ worth of drugs on
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico           torney Rosa Emilia Rodri-        Puerto Rico.                                                   cooperation of some couri-         commercial flights. Among
(AP) — Federal authorities      guez said the group is ac-       So far, no airline employees                                   ers, said James Doby, act-         the accused were former
issued arrest warrants on       cused of making at least 40      or airport workers appear                                      ing special agent in charge        airline employees. Puerto
Wednesday for 37 Puerto         trips originating from Puerto    to be involved, Rodriguez                                      of the Caribbean division          Rico Public Affairs Secretary
Ricans they say ran a ring      Rico’s main international        said, though the investiga-                                    of the Drug Enforcement            Jesus Manuel Ortiz said this
that smuggled drugs on          airport and paying drug          tion is continuing.                                            Administration. The opera-         week that cocaine seizures
commercial flights from the     mules to hide vacuum-            One suspect was arrested                                       tion, dubbed “Bad Trip,”           so far this year are up by 63
island to the U.S. mainland.    packed cocaine in suitcas-       in Orlando and at least 28                                     comes roughly three years          percent, heroin seizures by
The group is accused of         es since May 2013. Prosecu-      were arrested in Puerto                                        after federal authorities          100 percent and marijuana
transporting 180 kilograms      tors said the couriers would     Rico as of Wednesday af-                                       raided Puerto Rico’s main          seizures by more than 150
(397 pounds) of cocaine         receive anywhere from            ternoon, authorities said.                                     airport and arrested more          percent compared with all
to places including Orlan-      $200 to $1,500 per suitcase,     The arrests come after an                                      than 30 people accused             of last year.q
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