Page 13 - KPA 8 OCT 2015
P. 13
WORLD NEWSThursday 8 October 2015
Nepal government, protesters discuss size of states Suu Kyi claims will
lead government
B. GURUBACHARYA Laxman Lal Karna from the United Democratic Madhesi Front talks to the media after talks with if party wins polls
Associated Press
KATHMANDU, Nepal (AP) government negotiators in Kathmandu, Nepal. (AP Photo/ Niranjan Shrestha) YANGON, Myanmar (AP)
— Negotiators from Ne- — Myanmar opposition
pal’s government and the ment, but we told them Madhesi Front said it was halted the flow of fuel and leader Aung San Suu Kyi
main group protesting the that this needs to be done happy that progress on supplies to the country’s said Wednesday if her par-
country’s new constitution through a process follow- some of its demands was north, including the capi- ty wins upcoming elections
discussed the main issue of ing the constitution,” gov- made. Prime Minister Sushil tal. she will lead the country
the size of proposed states ernment minister Mahesh Koirala visited wounded The Madhesis want the from behind the scenes —
on Wednesday, but said Acharya told reporters. protesters at a hospital entire south and south- circumventing a clause in
little progress was made in Acharya said changes to Tuesday and ordered free eastern region where the constitution that bars
their second day of talks. the seven states can only treatment for them. they live to be their state, her from the presidency.
The United Democratic be made by a commission However, they said they absorbing chunks of terri- If the Nov. 8 vote is cred-
Madhesi Front insisted on that needs to be set up. could not end their pro- tory from other proposed ible, most observers be-
immediate changes to the “The government or a par- tests near the border until states. They also say the lieve Suu Kyi’s National
size of the states specified ty is not able to take such progress is made on their region’s population is thick League for Democracy
in the constitution, while a decision right away on main political demand. enough to add more con- party will win the most
government negotiators the state issue. It is a serious The protests have left more stituencies, which would seats in the country’s par-
said changes could only political matter,” Acharya than 45 people dead, and mean more of their people liament.
be made through an ap- said. an unofficial blockade re- would be elected to the By forming a coalition with
propriate legal process. The United Democratic lated to the protests has parliament.q smaller parties, it could
Both sides agreed to meet control a majority.
again Friday. A clause in the 2008 con-
The constitution approved stitution, drafted when the
last month divides Nepal country was under mili-
into seven new states, tary rule, prevents Suu Kyi
with some borders slic- from taking the top job
ing through the Madhe- because her late husband
sis’ ancestral homeland in and two children are Brit-
the southern plains along ish nationals.
the border with India. Eth- There are no obvious alter-
nic Madhesis, along with natives within her party’s
several other small ethnic ranks.
groups, want the states to “I’ve made it quite clear
be larger and to be given that if the NLD wins the
more autonomy over local elections and we form a
matters. government, I’m going
“They have said the state is to be the leader of that
the main issue on which we government whether or
need to reach an agree- not I’m the president,” Suu
Kyi told Indian television
Seoul questions NYU student over North Korea trip channel IndiaToday TV.
“Why not?” she asked with
KIM TONG-HYUNG ligence Service upon his from praising North Ko- aid from rivals Seoul and a smile. “Do you have to
Associated Press arrival in South Korea on rea or from visiting the Washington. Its decision be a president in order to
SEOUL, South Korea (AP) Monday. The investigation country without approval. to release Joo, whose al- lead a country?”
— South Korean prosecu- is now being directed by Joo, who has permanent leged crime was relatively Myanmar, a predominant-
tors are investigating a prosecutors for possible residency status in the minor, is a possible indica- ly Buddhist nation, began
New York University stu- indictment, according to United States, was one of tor that it wants better ties moving from a half-century
dent freed this week by an official from the spy four South Koreans known with Seoul and may back of military rule toward de-
North Korea on suspicion agency who didn’t want to be held in North Ko- away from a recent threat mocracy in 2011. Though
that he violated a law that to be identified, citing of- rea. The three who remain to launch a long-range there are many concerns
prohibits South Korean citi- fice rules. there are accused of seri- rocket later this month, — including the exclusion
zens from traveling to the Joo, 21, was detained in ous charges such as espio- South Korean analysts said. of ethnic Rohingya Mus-
North without permission, North Korea for about six nage or attempts to estab- The two Koreas are still lims from the process and
officials said Wednesday. months after being arrest- lish underground churches technically at war be- irregularities in voting lists
The student, Won Moon ed for crossing the Chinese in the country. cause the 1950-53 Ko- — most observers believe
Joo, a South Korean na- border into the North. North Korea often uses de- rean War ended with an next month’s elections are
tional, was questioned South Korea’s National Se- tainees in attempts to win armistice, not a peace the country’s best chance
by Seoul’s National Intel- curity Law prohibits citizens political concessions and treaty.q in decades for relatively
free and credible polls.q