Page 15 - KPA 8 OCT 2015
P. 15

                                                                                                                                Thursday 8 October 2015

James Blake: Police watchdog

substantiates force complaint 

NEW YORK (AP) — Two po-           the world before retiring       efforts of the CCRB to ad-      In this Sept. 11, 2015, file photo, former tennis pro James Blake,
lice officers involved in the     from the ATP Tour after the     vance this investigation.”      right, acknowledges applause during a semifinal match be-
mistaken arrest of James          2013 U.S. Open, had been        A departmental trial could      tween Roger Federer, of Switzerland, and Stan Wawrinka, of
Blake, including one who          mistakenly identified as        end in disciplinary action or   Switzerland, at the U.S. Open tennis tournament, in New York.
allegedly tackled the for-        being part of a cellphone       termination.
mer professional tennis           fraud scheme. Frascatore        Malik said Blake’s com-                                                                             Associated Press
player, will face an admin-       had mistaken Blake for a        plaint had been resolved
istrative trial after the city’s  suspect who looked like         in less than 30 days, but
police watchdog substan-          him, police said.               she declined to provide
tiated Blake’s excessive          Mayor Bill de Blasio and Po-    further information about
force complaint.                  lice Commissioner William       the probe, citing state pri-
Mina Malik, the executive         Bratton have both apolo-        vacy laws. “Our commit-
director of the New York          gized to Blake, who has         ment remains to be a fair
City’s Civilian Complaint         said he believes Frascatore     and vigilant resource for
Review Board, said in a let-      should be fired.                all people who have com-
ter sent to Blake on Tues-        The officer, who has been       plaints about police mis-
day that investigators had        with the New York Police        conduct, and to judge the
substantiated complaints          Department for about four       cases based on thorough,
he made after his Sept. 9         years, had been named in        even-handed investiga-
arrest alleging that Officer      several civil rights lawsuits   tions which serve the public
James Frascatore used ex-         alleging excessive force.       and officers alike,” she said.
cessive force and Detec-          He was placed on desk           A spokesman for the city’s
tive Daniel Herzog abused         duty after the encounter        police union had no imme-
his authority.                    with Blake.                     diate comment Wednes-
Surveillance video showed         “It is my understanding that    day evening. But Patrol-
Frascatore approaching            these officers now face an      men’s Benevolent Associa-
Blake in front of the Grand       administrative trial for their  tion President Patrick Lynch
Hyatt New York Hotel in           roles in the respective of-     has said the officers were
Manhattan and grabbing            fenses,” Blake said in a        apprehending someone
his arm and roughly tak-          statement Wednesday. “I         they “had every reason to
ing him to the ground. Po-        have complete respect for       believe was an individual
lice said Blake, who had          the principle of due pro-       who had just committed a
ranked as high as No. 4 in        cess and appreciate the         crime.”q

WADA keeps thyroid medication

off banned-substances list 

EDDIE PELLS                       ence director at  WADA,         letes to get prescriptions
AP National Writer                said Wednesday that             for thyroid medication
MONTREAL (AP) — Lead-             because the medicine            before they started train-
ers at the World Anti-            stops the body from pro-        ing with him at the Nike
Doping Agency say                 ducing its own hormones         Oregon Project.
there’s no scientific rea-        once they reach a cer-          Among those using the
son to ban thyroid medi-          tain level, there’s no sci-     medicine was Galen
cation, despite reports           entific reason to believe it    Rupp, the 2012 Olympic
that some high-profile            enhances performance.           silver medalist at 10,000
long-distance runners             He called athletes using        meters. In an open letter
use the medicine during           thyroid medicine an ex-         defending his program,
training.                         ample of the “medical-          Salazar said Rupp is one
After reports that a num-         ization of sports.”             of five athletes — out of
ber of athletes coached           “That’s a reality,” Rabin       55 he has coached —
by former Boston and              said. “But our job is to        who have been diag-
New York City Marathon            draw a line between             nosed with thyroid dis-
winner Alberto Salazar            what is doping and what         ease.
take the medication,              is not doping.”                 More than 12 percent of
which can be used as              The U.S. Anti-Doping            the U.S. population will
a stimulant and to con-           Agency is investigating         develop a thyroid condi-
trol weight, the British          Salazar, who has been           tion during their lifetime,
anti-doping agency and            accused of skirting anti-       according to the Ameri-
others asked  WADA  to            doping rules while train-       can Thyroid Association
consider putting it on its        ing some of his athletes.       website. It said women
banned-substance list.            Among the allegations           are between five and
But when the list came            leveled against Salazar         eight times more likely
out last week, that medi-         in a story this summer by       to develop a condition
cine wasn’t on it.                ProPublica and the BBC          than men.q
Olivier Rabin, the sci-           was that he told his ath-
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