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                                                                                       October 26, 2017          Boss
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                                                                                                                                              Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper


                   No GOP Dam Break as Senators Rally Behind Trump

            President Donald Trump speaks to reporters before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House in Washington, Wednesday, Oct. 25, 2017, for a short
            trip to Andrews Air Force Base, Md. and then on to Dallas.
                                                                                                                                   (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik)
                                                                                                                                                    Page 3
              The Hassle Factor of Flying to the US is About to Rise

              By The Associated Press            WHAT’S NEW?                        before their flight to allow time for  WHAT ABOUT AIRPORTS?
              Flying to the United States is about  Travelers  could  face  more  de-  security screening. Privately some  The  TSA  says  new  measures  in-
              to  get  more  inconvenient,  all  in  tailed  inspection  of  their  elec-  airline officials worry that a major  clude stricter security procedures
              the name of security.              tronic devices. And they could be  increase  in  passenger  interviews  in terminals and around planes.
              New  security  measures  take  ef-  subject  to  security  interviews  by  could  slow  the  boarding  process
              fect  Thursday  at  airports  around  airline  employees,  according  to  and lead to flight delays.      OTHER CHANGES?
              the world. A spokeswoman for the  a U.S. government official. The in-                                     Airlines  have  flexibility  in  meeting
              Transportation  Security  Adminis-  terviews could differ from one air-  AIRLINES READY?                  the  new  security  requirements.
              tration said the new steps will cov-  line to another. Emirates said it will  Most  say  they’re  ready,  and  Cathay  Pacific  Airways  will  sus-
              er about 2,100 flights a day.      conduct  screening  interviews  at  they’ve had four months’ notice.  pend self-drop baggage service.
              Here are highlights that you need  check-in  counters  for  passengers  Still, at least one carrier, Royal Jor-
              to know.                           leaving  Dubai.  Air  France  said  it  danian, says it got an exemption  ONLY INTERNATIONAL?
                                                 will  provide  questionnaires  for  all  for more time to comply with the  So far. But TSA has also stepped up
              WHICH AIRLINES?                    U.S.-bound passengers to fill out.  new  rules.  Vaughn  Jennings,  a  security rules for domestic flights.
              All  of  them.  The  new  procedures                                  spokesman  for  the  trade  group  Over  the  summer,  TSA  began  re-
              apply to all flights to the U.S. from  WHAT SHOULD I DO?              Airlines  for  America,  says  these  quiring domestic passengers to re-
              other  countries.  As  far  as  which  Delta  Air  Lines  and  Hong  Kong’s  are  “complex  security  measures”  move  all  electronics  bigger  than
              passengers  are  concerned,  also  Cathay  Pacific  Airways  are  tell-  but the Department of Homeland  mobile  phones  from  their  bags
              all of them. They will apply to both  ing international travelers to arrive  Security has been flexible, which is  and place them in separate bins
              American citizens and foreigners.  at the airport at least three hours  helping airlines comply.          for X-ray screening.q
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