P. 22

A22     SPORTS
                    Tuesday 11 July 2017
               Only a handful of riders can challenge Froome for Tour title

            By ANDREW DAMPF                                                                                                     on the Mur de Peguere.
            AP Sports Writer                                                                                                    After  some  milder  climb-
            CHAMBERY,  France  (AP)                                                                                             ing  in  the  Massif  Central
            —  Chris  Froome  probably                                                                                          the Tour returns to the Alps
            hoped  he  had  a  bigger                                                                                           for  the  so-called  “Queen
            lead  than  his  18-second                                                                                          stage” — an unprecedent-
            advantage over Fabio Aru                                                                                            ed  mountain-top  finish  at
            on the Tour de France’s first                                                                                       the Col d’Izoard.
            rest day.                                                                                                           The  hostile  terrain  of  sun-
            At  least  he’s  still  in  one                                                                                     and  snow-scorched  rocks
            piece, though.                                                                                                      and the thinning mountain
            Richie Porte, Froome’s most                                                                                         air on the long climb to an
            feared    opponent,   and                                                                                           altitude  of  2,360  meters
            Geraint  Thomas,  Froome’s                                                                                          (7,742  feet)  could  make
            most loyal support rider at                                                                                         the  Izoard,  at  the  end  of
            Team  Sky,  both  crashed                                                                                           stage 18, the scene of the
            out of the race on Sunday.                                                                                          last major contest between
            With  Colombian  climbing                                                                                           the remaining favorites.
            specialist  Nairo  Quintana                                                                                         Aiming to secure his fourth
            and seven-time Grand Tour                                                                                           title  in  five  years,  Froome
            winner  Alberto  Contador                                                                                           likely  needs  only  the  slim-
            dropping  out  of  conten-                                                                                          mest of margins — or even
            tion,  it  seems  there’s  only                                                                                     a  small  deficit  —  entering
            a handful of riders remain-                                                                                         the 22.5-kilometer (14-mile)
            ing who can still challenge                                                                                         time  trial  in  the  Mediterra-
            Froome for the title in Paris   A spectator holds a flare as stage winner Colombia’s Rigoberto Uran, Britain’s Chris Froome, wear-  nean port city of Marseille
            on July 23. Aru, the Italian   ing the overall leader’s yellow jersey, France’s Romain Bardet, Colombia’s Nairo Quintana, Italy’s   on  the  penultimate  stage
            champion and 2015 Span-      Fabio Aru, and Australia’s Richie Porte, from left to right, climb during the ninth stage of the Tour   20.  A  superb  time  trialer,
            ish  Vuelta  winner,  leads   de France cycling race over 181.5 kilometers (112.8 miles) with start in Nantua and finish in Cham-  Froome should be able to
                                         bery, France, Sunday, July 9, 2017.
            the list followed closely by                                                                       Associated Press  take  time  on  all  of  his  ri-
            last  year’s  runner-up  Ro-                                                                                        vals in the race against the
            main  Bardet,  the  French-  fifth at 1:37. The only other  blown up and looking at it,  race resumes with two flat   clock  —  just  like  he  did  in
            man who is third overall, 51   rider within two minutes of  it has,” Froome said. “It’s a  stages suited for sprinters.  Stage 1.
            seconds  back.  Rigoberto    Froome  is  Dan  Martin,  the  lot more spread out now.”  The overall battle probably   Whoever  wears  yellow  at
            Uran,  the  Colombian  who   Irish  cyclist  who  excels  on  Froome and the other 181  won’t see any changes un-   the end of the day in Mar-
            was  a  two-time  runner-up   the  shorter,  steeper  climbs  riders still in the three-week  til  the  race  enters  the  Pyr-  seille  will  cruise  around
            in the Giro d’Italia, is fourth   that are so prevalent in this  race flew across the coun-  enees Thursday and Friday   the Champs-Elysees in the
            at  55  seconds  and  Aru’s   year’s  race.  “I  said  (Satur-  try  late  Sunday  to  south-  with  16-percent  slopes  to   mostly ceremonial final leg
            Astana  teammate,  Jakob     day)  that  I  expected  the  western  France,  where  af-  the  Peyragudes  ski  station   a day later and pick up the
            Fuglsang  of  Denmark,  is   general classification to be  ter  Monday’s  rest  day  the  and  18-percent  stretches   trophy.q
                            Russia aims to hit dopers in the pocket

            By JAMES ELLINGWORTH,        In  a  push  to  restore  Rus-  government  grants  from  letes  often  get  lavish  re-  one  Russian  athlete,  the
            AP Sports Writer             sia’s  sporting  reputation   athletes  who  are  found  to  wards  from  the  state,  and  former Olympic race-walk-
            MOSCOW  (AP)  —  Russia  after      numerous    doping    be cheating.                 many  keep  them  even  if  ing  champion  Olga  Kani-
            wants  to  hit  dopers  where  scandals,  the  government   Several  Russian  athletes  banned as drug cheats.      skina,  was  liable  to  repay
            it hurts — in their bank ac-  has  approved  a  plan  to   have  been  able  to  hold  Gold medalists from the Rio  $135,000  in  prize  money
            counts.                      reclaim  prize  money  and   onto  large  sums,  despite  de  Janeiro  Olympics,  for  from events where she was
                                                                      being caught doping.         example,  received  4  mil-  later disqualified.
                                                                      In a package of anti-dop-    lion  rubles  ($70,000)  from  Foreign athletes who have
                                                                      ing  measures  signed  Mon-  a  public-private  fund,  plus  been  upgraded  to  track
                                                                      day,  Prime  Minister  Dmi-  a white BMW SUV in a cer-    and field titles as a result of
                                                                      try Medvedev ordered the  emony  at  the  Kremlin.  Re-   doping disqualifications for
                                                                      Russian  Sports  Ministry  and  gional  governments  also  Russians  have  complained
                                                                      national  sports  federations  handed  out  apartments,  of having to wait years for
                                                                      to  develop  a  scheme  for  cars and, in one case, even  their prize money.
                                                                      “confiscating  income  and  a horse.                        International  track  and
                                                                      property   from   athletes,  Organizers  of  many  inter-  field  events  typically  insist
                                                                      coaches, doctors and oth-    national  sports  events  re-  dopers must pay back the
                                                                      er  specialists”  involved  in  quire athletes to pay back  prize  money  in  full  before
                                                                      doping cases.                prize money if they’re later  anything is paid to the new
                                                                      It wasn’t specified how this  disqualified  over  a  failed  medalists.
                                                                      would  be  achieved.  The  drug test. However, enforc-    The  package  of  measures
                                                                      Sports Ministry has previous-  ing  these  rules  is  difficult.  signed  Monday  also  in-
                                                                      ly  faced  allegations  from  The  threat  of  further  sport-  cludes  plans  to  stop  those
                                                                      World Anti-Doping Agency  ing  sanctions  is  meaning-    who  commit  doping  of-
            This is a Tuesday, May 24, 2016 file photo of employees Natalya   investigators  that  its  own  less for an athlete who has  fenses  from  taking  jobs  as
            Bochkaryova, left, and Ilya Podolsky work at the Russian Anti
            Doping  Agency  RUSADA  drug-testing  laboratory  in  Moscow,   staff covered up doping.  retired or is banned for life.  coaches or state sports of-
            Russia.                                                   Besides  prize  money  from  An  Associated  Press  inves-  ficials,  a  common  occur-
                                                     Associated Press  competitions,  Russian  ath-  tigation  last  year  found  rence in Russia.q
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