P. 21

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 11 July 2017

            Take me out to the screen: Virtual reality baseball a hit

            By RONALD BLUM               taking  swings  last  year  in
            AP Baseball Writer           San Diego.
            MIAMI  BEACH,  Fla.  (AP)  —  In a dual setup at FanFest,
            Nicholas  Montes  put  on  which  opened  Friday  and
            goggles  and  a  catcher’s  runs through Tuesday, peo-
            mitt and crouched.           ple  get  to  signal  for  three
            The  13-year-old  will  never  pitches over about 90 sec-
            catch  a  104  mph  pitch  onds  as  Posey’s  recorded
            from  Aroldis  Chapman.  voice  offers  tips.  They  can
            But  at  the  All-Star  FanFest,  choose  the  pitch  type  by
            he  felt  what  it’s  like  to  be  pointing their glove toward
            Buster  Posey  snagging  vir-  an icon on the screen, trig-
            tual strikes.                gering  a  sensor.  When  a
            “It  was  like  I  was  actually  pitch is successfully caught,
            in  the  game.  When  I  was  the person hears and feels
            catching,  I  felt  the  ball  the mitt snap.
            move    and    everything,”  “It  is  as  real  as  it  can
            the  Miami  teen  said  en-  be,”  Danny  Devarona,  a
            thusiastically Sunday. “And  48-year-old  who  coaches
            then when I saw it go in my  youth  baseball  in  Miami
            glove,  I  tried  touching  the  Lakes,  said  after  taking  his
            ball,  but  I  felt  the  remote  turn.  Commercial  and  so-
            control thing. So it was pret-  cial  media  content  was
            ty cool.”                    shot  over  two  days  during
            Developed  by  GMR  Mar-     spring training in Scottsdale,   In this Friday, July 7, 2017, photo, the catcher mitt with sensors and goggles used for virtual catching
            keting, the Esurance Behind  Arizona,   where   Posey’s   are shown at the All-Star FanFest in Miami Beach, Fla.
            The Plate With Buster Posey  San  Francisco  Giants  train.  Kristen  Gambetta,  Esur-
            VR  Experience  allows  fans  Posey’s  voice-over was  re-  ance’s  brand  partnerships
            to “catch” fastballs, curve-  corded  after  the  season  manager. “With VR, there’s
            balls and sliders from a ge-  started.                    something  really  entertain-
            neric  pitcher  at  velocities  “Are  you  ready?  All  right,  ing  about  seeing  people’s
            ranging from 86-93 mph.      let’s see what you’ve got,”  facial  reactions  and  kind
            “I’ve  always  said  that  I  Posey’s  voice  tells  fans.  of seeing their movements
            thought it would be cool for  “This  guy  throws  a  nasty  and  how  they  react  to
            the  average  fan  to  either  curve.  The  trick  is  to  keep  having a ball flying at their
            step  in  the  box  or  like  this  your  glove  below  the  ball  face.”
            get  behind  the  plate  and  and your eye on it. ... Keep  Several thousand fans were
            get the same sense of what  your  chin  down  and  be  expected  to  put  on  the
            it’s like to see a 90-plus, 95-  ready to slide to your right,  electronic  “tools  of  igno-
            mile  an  hour fastball  com-  because this one might hit  rance”  over  the  five  days.
            ing  your  way,”  Posey  ex-  the dirt.”                  And  unlike  real  catchers,
            plained last week.           “Nice  job!  Right  in  the  they  won’t  have  to  stuff
            Esurance  Insurance  Ser-    pocket,” he tells fans when  sponges in the glove to ab-
            vices  Inc.,  a  subsidiary  of  they succeed.            sorb the impact.
            Allstate  Corp.,  became  a  “Yeah,  that  was  a  tricky  “Let’s just say I’m pretty im-
            sponsor  of  Major  League  one,”  he  says  when  they  pressed. I don’t think I can
            Baseball in 2015 and signed  fail.  Based  on  PITCH  f/x  ever  catch,  or  hit  for  that
            Posey  as  a  brand  ambas-  data,  breaks  of  38-to-52  matter,  a  Major  League
            sador. The company had a  inches are simulated.           Baseball  curveball,”  said
            180-degree  photo  experi-   “Fans will receive a social-  Pablo  Souki,  a  38-year-old
            ence at the 2015 FanFest in  sharable  video  for  them  from  Venezuela  who  lives
            Cincinnati,  then  provided  that  they  can  then  distrib-  in  Miami.  “That  was  pretty
            360-degree  videos  of  fans  ute  to  their  friends,”  said  eye-opening.”q
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