P. 18

                    Tuesday 11 July 2017

                Pacquiao                                                                                                        113  each  by  Chris  Flores
                                                                                                                                and  Ramon  Cerdan  —
                                                                                                                                Roldan’s  score  coming  in
               Continued from Page 17                                                                                           for most criticism. Pacquiao
                                                                                                                                had Horn in wobbling and
            In the statement Monday,                                                                                            in trouble in the 9th round,
            the WBO said based on the                                                                                           but  couldn’t  finish  him  off.
            analysis Pacquiao won the                                                                                           Horn rallied late to hold on
            3rd, 8th and 9th round by                                                                                           for  a  points  decision  and
            100 percent, the 5th round                                                                                          remain unbeaten in 18 pro-
            by 80 percent and the 11th                                                                                          fessional fights.
            by  60  percent.  Horn  was                                                                                         GAB  chairman  Abraham
            given the 1st, 6th and 12th                                                                                         Kahlil  Mitra  last  week  wel-
            rounds by 100 percent, the                                                                                          comed the WBO’s decision
            2nd, 4th and 7th by 80 per-                                                                                         to conduct the review, say-
            cent  and  the  10th  by  60                                                                                        ing it would send a strong
            percent.                                                                                                            signal that any sign of leni-
            “From the results, it can be                                                                                        ency, abuse of authority or
            established that Pacquiao                                                                                           wrongdoing would not be
            won  5  rounds  while  Horn                                                                                         tolerated.
            won  7  rounds,”  the  state-                                                                                       “Our  feeling  is,  if  you’re
            ment said.                                                                                                          quiet,  you’ll  get  abused
            The  WBO  said  the  further                                                                                        but if you complain, they’ll
            step  of  combining  the  in-                                                                                       be  careful  ...  Manny  is  a
            dependent judge’s scores                                                                                            senator,  a  champion,  but
            for  each  round  with  the                                                                                         was  like  wrestled  there,
            bout  judge’s  scores  for                                                                                          abused  by  them,”  Mitra
            each round also confirmed                                                                                           told  The  Associated  Press
            a win for Horn.              In this Sunday, July 2, 2017, file photo, Manny Pacquiao of the Philippines reacts after his loss to Jeff   in  the  Philippines’  capital
            The Philippines Games and    Horn of Australia, during their WBO World Welterweight title fight in Brisbane, Australia.  after the WBO confirmed it
            Amusements  Board  (GAB)                                                                           Associated Press  would  review  the  scoring.
            last  week  urged  for  a  re-                                                                                      “If it can be done to him, it
            view,  saying  it  wanted  to   sport.                    than  51,000  people  at  a  was  scored  117-111  by     can be done to any other
            protect the integrity of the   The  fight,  in  front  of  more  rugby  stadium  in  Brisbane,  Waleksa  Roldan  and  115-  Filipino boxer.”q
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