P. 20
Tuesday 11 July 2017
AL’s Chris Sale, NL’s Max Scherzer to start All-Star Game
By RONALD BLUM I’ll be hopefully sitting in a
AP Baseball Writer rocking chair when I’m 80
MIAMI (AP) — In a year years old telling my grand-
when it seems just about kids and great-grandkids
everyone is a power hit- and things like that.”
ter, Chris Sale and Max Scherzer, a 32-year-old
Scherzer know what awaits right-hander, also will be
in Tuesday night’s All-Star making his second All-Star
Game. start. Then with Detroit, he
The American League’s pitched a perfect inning
starting batting order has at New York’s Citi Field in
combined for 181 home 2013, when Sale followed
runs, led by New York with a pair of 1-2-3 innings
Yankees rookie sensation and got the win. Scher-
Aaron Judge with 30. The zer will be the fifth pitcher
National League’s lineup to start All-Star Games for
has 158, topped by 26 from both leagues, following
hometown star Giancarlo Vida Blue, Roger Clemens,
Stanton of the Miami Mar- Roy Halladay and John-
lins. son. Scherzer is 10-5 with a
That’s a whole lot of long 2.10 ERA and 173 strikeouts.
balls. Sale and Scherzer took
“I’m gonna grip and rip as turns complimenting each
usual,” Sale said Monday other at Monday’s an-
when AL manager Brad nouncement of the All-Star
Mills announced the Bos- lineups.
ton ace will become the “I love the way Chris goes
first pitcher to make con- out and competes. ... He’ll
secutive All-Star starts rep- do anything to win. He
resenting different teams. makes big-time pitches
“I give up my fair share of all the way — even if he
homers. You can check takes 120 pitches. By far
the book. It happens,” Sale he’s been one of my fa-
said. “If you let that creep vorite players, pitchers to
in your mind, it’s going to American League pitcher Chris Sale, of the Boston Red Sox, left, poses with National League pitch- watch. It’s even better to
be a long night.” er Max Scherzer, of the Washington Nationals after the All-Star starting pitchers were introduced at compete against him,”
Sale has given up 11 hom- a press conference in Miami, Monday, July 10, 2017. Scherzer said. Sale echoed
ers after allowing a career- Associated Press that sentiment. “I could al-
high 27 last year. Washing- most say the same thing. I
ton’s Max Scherzer, who ers over the past year-and- allowed a two-out home major league-leading 178 don’t know if I’ve seen a
opens for the National a-half. That’s really been run to Kris Bryant. Sale was strikeouts in 127 2/3 innings. guy compete as hard as
League, tied for the NL something that’s been a traded in December for “All my family lives here. he competes day in and
high by giving up 31 hom- thorn in my side,” Scherzer top prospects. Brothers, sisters, in-laws, par- day out,” Sale said. “The
ers last season and has al- said. “I’ve had to become Sale will be the 16th pitcher ents, even my aunts and fire, the intensity, the role
lowed 13 this year. a better pitcher, locate to make consecutive All- uncles and cousins,” Sale model he can be for kids
There have been 3,343 better. Because of the Star starts, the first since said. “So to be able to be coming up to kind of take
home runs in 1,327 games home-run spike, I’ve dialed Arizona’s Randy Johnson in here not too far from where the bull by the horns and
this season, a rate that it in even more to try to 2000-01 and the first in the I live now is nice. I can have just compete. It’s fun.”
would leave this season’s make my location better to AL since Toronto’s Dave my family, extended fam- Sale and Scherzer have
total at 6,122 — on track to try to prevent them.” Stieb in 1983-84. Born in ily come down and experi- a common thread: both
break the record of 5,693 Then with the Chicago Lakeland, about 240 miles ence this with me.” played for the La Crosse
hit in 2000 during the height White Sox, Sale pitched northwest of Miami, the “At the end of the day this is Loggers in the Northwoods
of the Steroids Era. the first inning of last year’s 28-year-old left-hander is something I’ll never forget,” League, a collegiate sum-
“I’ve given up a lot of hom- game at San Diego and 11-4 with a 2.75 ERA and a he said. “This is something mer circuit. q
Vin Scully to receive Icon Award at The ESPYS
LOS ANGELES (AP) — Vin 67 years calling Los Angeles Derek Jeter, Peyton Man-
Scully will receive the Icon Dodgers games. ning and Abby Wambach.
Award at The ESPYS, with The 89-year-old Hall of Fam- Manning hosts the 25th an-
actor Bryan Cranston pre- er’s career was the longest nual awards show, which
senting the honor given to tenure of any broadcaster celebrates the best sports
those whose careers have with a single pro sports stories of the year, on
left a lasting impression on team. Wednesday night in Los
the sports world. Past recipients of the Icon Angeles.q
Scully retired last fall after Award are Kobe Bryant,
In this May 3, 2017, file photo, Los Angeles Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully speaks during his in-
duction into the team’s Ring of Honor prior to a baseball game between the Dodgers and the San
Francisco Giants, in Los Angeles.
Associated Press