P. 19

                                                                                                       SPORTS Tuesday 11 July 2017
                  2-time champ Nadal loses 15-13 in 5th set at Wimbledon

            By HOWARD FENDRICH                                                                                                  was  postponed  until  Tues-
            AP Tennis Writer                                                                                                    day;  it  had  been  sched-
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Rafael                                                                                             uled  for  No.  1  Court  after
            Nadal kept getting pushed                                                                                           Nadal-Muller concluded.
            to  the  brink  of  defeat.  He                                                                                     But  that  duo  played  on
            kept resisting.                                                                                                     and on, past 8 p.m., when
            He  dropped  the  first  two                                                                                        the  descending  sun’s  re-
            sets,  then  won  the  next                                                                                         flection off the arena both-
            two. He erased two match                                                                                            ered  Nadal  so  much  that
            points  in  the  riveting  fifth                                                                                    he  held  up  action;  chair
            set’s  10th  game,  then  an-                                                                                       umpire Ali Nili asked spec-
            other two in its 20th game.                                                                                         tators  to  stand  in  the  way
            Only when his fourth-round                                                                                          and block the rays. A few
            match  against  16th-seed-                                                                                          games  later,  Nili  told  fans
            ed  Gilles  Muller  of  Luxem-                                                                                      to  stop  doing  the  wave,
            bourg  stretched  past  4½                                                                                          suggesting  they  wait  for
            hours,  the  sunlight  fading,                                                                                      the  next  changeover  so
            did Nadal blink.                                                                                                    play could proceed.
            After  repeatedly  digging                                                                                          Hours  earlier  came  what
            himself  out  of  difficult  situ-                                                                                  might  be  interpreted  as  a
            ations,  Nadal  finally  suc-                                                                                       bad  omen  for  Nadal:  Go-
            cumbed, broken in the last                                                                                          ing  through  his  prematch
            game of a 6-3, 6-4, 3-6, 4-6,                                                                                       rituals  on  the  way  to  the
            15-13 loss to Muller on Mon-                                                                                        court,  he  jumped  up  so
            day.                                                                                                                high  that  he  banged  his
            “I played with the right de-                                                                                        head  on  the  doorway’s
            termination,  right  passion,                                                                                       transom.  He  staggered
            right attitude,” Nadal said,                                                                                        back  a  bit,  then  tried  to
            “to win the match.”          Luxembourg’s Gilles Muller returns to Spain’s Rafael Nadal during their Men’s Singles Match on   laugh it off, before rubbing
            But  he  could  not  pull    day seven at the Wimbledon Tennis Championships in London Monday, July 10, 2017.       the top of his head.
            through,   extending    his                                                                        Associated Press  “Maybe  that’s  why  the
            drought without a quarter-                                                                                          first two sets I was winning
            final  berth  at  the  All  Eng-  Nadal’s exits at the All Eng-  the top five. And he’d only  fore facing 2014 U.S. Open   quite  easy,”  Muller  joked.
            land Club to six years.      land  Club  have  come  in  reached  a  Grand  Slam  champion  Marin  Cilic  in        “Maybe still a little bit feel-
            “Just tried to hang in there,”   the  first  round  (2013),  sec-  quarterfinal  once  before,  Wednesday’s quarterfinals.  ing dizzy.”
            Muller  said.  “Still  kept  be-  ond  round  (2012,  2015)  or  at the 2008 U.S. Open.  Other  men’s  quarterfinals:   After  all,  until  Monday,
            lieving.  Yeah,  somehow  in   fourth round (2014, 2017).  Nadal said Muller’s power-  defending champion Andy      Nadal hadn’t lost a Grand
            the end, I made it.”         All  of  those  losses,  except  ful  serve  and  crisp  volleys  Murray  against  Sam  Quer-  Slam  set  since  the  fifth  of
            Nadal  won  two  of  his  15   Monday’s,  came  against  make     him    “uncomfort-   rey  of  the  U.S.,  Roger  Fe-  the  Australian  Open  final
            Grand  Slam  champion-       men ranked 100th or worse.  able” to play.                derer against Milos Raonic,   in  January  against  Feder-
            ships  at  Wimbledon,  and   The 34-year-old Muller is not  Now Muller, who also beat  Tomas  Berdych  against      er.  From  the  outset  of  the
            played  in  the  final  three   exactly  a  giant-killer:  He  Nadal  at  Wimbledon  in  Novak  Djokovic  or  Adrian   French Open — where he
            other  times,  most  recently   had  lost  22  consecutive  2005, will get a much-need-  Mannarino.  The  Djokovic-  won  a  record  10th  cham-
            in  2011.  But  since  then,   matches against players in  ed chance to recover be-    Mannarino  fourth-rounder    pionship  last  month  —
                                                                                                                                and  through  his  first  three
            Garcia says she didn’t notice if her father was coaching her                                                        matches  at  Wimbledon,
                                                                                                                                Nadal won 28 consecutive
                                                                                                                                completed sets at the ma-
            LONDON  (AP)  —  Caroline  Garcia’s father, Louis Paul,   he held up one hand and      times  maybe  he  tried      jors.  Healthy  and  playing
            Garcia insisted she did not  is  also  her  coach.  He  was   grabbed  the  thumb  with   (coaching),  but  I  don’t   terrifically,  Nadal  seemed
            see  her  father  signaling  to  shown  on  television  giv-  his other hand.          know. I don’t think so.”     poised to again be a fac-
            her from the coaching box  ing  what  appeared  to  be    Coaches are not supposed     The  sixth-seeded  Konta,    tor at the All England Club.
            during her fourth-round loss  hand  signals,  including  an   to communicate with play-  who  will  face  Simona  Ha-  Don’t forget: From 2006-11,
            to Johanna Konta at Wim-     “X’’  with  his  two  index  fin-  ers during matches.    lep in the quarterfinals, said   he reached the final in five
            bledon on Monday.            gers. On another occasion,   “You  probably  saw  way     she didn’t notice Louis Paul   consecutive   Wimbledon
                                                                      better  than  me  because    Garcia during the match.     (he  missed  it  in  2009  be-
                                                                      the  TV  is  focused  on  him.   “I’m  looking  to  stay  very   cause of bad knees), win-
                                                                      But when I watch my dad,     much  focused  on  myself,   ning titles in 2008 and 2010.
                                                                      I just turn my head to him,   what I’m looking to achieve   After losing two sets in the
                                                                      nothing  more,”  said  the   out there,” said Konta, the   opening 75 minutes against
                                                                                                   first British woman to reach   Muller, Nadal adjusted. He
                                                                      Caroline Garcia of France    the  Wimbledon  quarter-     stepped a little farther be-
                                                                      celebrates after winning a   finals  since  1984.  “Again,   hind  the  baseline  to  give
                                                                      point against Britain’s Jo-  that’s an umpire’s duty to,
                                                                      hanna Konta during their     I guess, be aware of things   himself more time to react.
                                                                      Women’s Singles Match on                                  He also fared better on his
                                                                      day seven at the Wimbledon   like that.”                  own serve, finishing with 23
                                                                      Tennis Championships in Lon-  Caroline  Garcia  said  that   aces, an unusually high to-
                                                                      don Monday, July 10, 2017.   whatever coaching her fa-    tal for Nadal and only sev-
                                                                                  Associated Press  ther may have been trying   en fewer than Muller.
                                                                                                   wouldn’t be abnormal de-     So they headed to a fifth set,
                                                                      21st-seeded  Garcia,  who    spite  prohibitions  and  that   which  was  masterful,  filled
                                                                      lost 7-6 (3), 4-6, 6-4. “Some-  he  is  “like  100  percent  of   with brilliance from both.q
                                                                                                   the coaches on tour.”q
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