Page 11 - aruba today 12aug2017
P. 11
WORLD NEWS Saturday 12 auguSt 2017
Kenyatta declared winner of disputed Kenya presidential vote
By CHRIS TORCHIA “Kenya belongs to all of calm since the election but resident Lucas Odhiambo, this week.
TOM ODULA us,” he said. had braced for possible adding that people were Odinga alleged that hack-
Associated Press “Let us shun violence and violence Friday night with bellowing through “vuvuz- ers infiltrated the election
NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — let us refuse to be used for police in the central busi- ela” noisemakers when the commission’s computer
President Uhuru Kenyatta short-term political gain.” ness district. results were announced system in favor of his op-
was declared the winner He said he was extending a Although celebrations by “and police moved in.” ponent. He claimed the
Friday of Kenya’s hard- “hand of friendship” to “our backers of Kenyatta were Earlier in the day, opposi- hackers used the identity
fought presidential elec- older brother,” Odinga. reported in several cities tion supporters burned tires of Christopher Msando, an
tion, but opposition candi- “We need and must con- across Kenya, gunshots and blocked roads in sev- election official in charge
date Raila Odinga alleged tinue to work together for and screams were heard in eral areas. of managing information
the voting was rigged. the welfare of our people at least two areas populat- The election commission re- technology systems. Of-
In announcing the results and in order to keep this ed by Odinga supporters, jected claims by Odinga, a ficials had announced on
of Tuesday’s contest, the country united,” said Ke- according to police and a former prime minister, that July 31 that Msando had
election commission said nyatta, who also defeated witness. its database was hacked been tortured and killed.
Kenyatta won a second Odinga in 2013. “We reach The gunfire rang out in the and results manipulated In addition, the American
term with 54 percent in bal- out to you. Nairobi slum of Kibera and against him. CEO of an election data
loting it called “credible, We reach out to your sup- in the southwestern city of The long wait for election company working for
fair and peaceful.” porters.” Kisumu, the witnesses said. results increased tensions in Odinga was deported last
Hundreds of riot police were The election was a test of Youths also were reported the nation of 45 million peo- weekend.
in the streets of the capital, the stability of the East Af- to be throwing stones at ple, though the commission The election commission
Nairobi, amid fears of fur- rican economic power as cars in Kibera. by law had until Aug. 15 to said there was a hacking
ther protests by opposition many recalled the post- “There are gunshots all announce them. At least attempt but it failed, and
supporters, who called the election bloodshed a de-
vote a “charade” and said cade ago that left more Uhuru Kenyatta, addresses the crowd after the announcement in the presidential race at the
challenging the outcome than 1,000 dead. Centre in Bomas, Nairobi, Kenya, Friday, Aug.11, 2017. Kenya’s election commission announced
in court wasn’t an option. “We have seen the results Friday that President Uhuru Kenyatta has won a second term as opposition candidate Raila
Odinga claimed the vote was rigged. The commission said Kenyatta won Tuesday’s election with
Kenyatta, the 55-year-old of political violence and I 54 percent of the vote. It called the vote “credible, fair and peaceful.”
son of Kenya’s first presi- am certain there is no sin- (AP Photo/ Sayyid Abdul Azim)
dent after independence gle Kenyan who would wish
from Britain, appealed for to go back to those days,” over; we don’t know how three people were killed that Odinga’s camp had
calm and unity after the Kenyatta said. it will end but we are pray- in clashes between police no right to declare him as
bitter campaign. Kenya had been relatively ing for peace,” said Kisumu and opposition supporters the winner.q
Nigerian military makes unauthorized search of UN base
By HARUNA UMAR millions have been uproot- and I call upon the govern- rate statement, saying its day ultimatum for its com-
Associated Press ed during Boko Haram’s ment of Nigeria to provide actions were in line with manders to find him.
MAIDUGURI, Nigeria (AP) deadly eight-year insur- clarification.” ongoing search efforts in Maiduguri and the north-
— Nigerian soldiers con- gency. Local media reported that counter-insurgency opera- east remain at risk of dead-
ducted an unauthorized “The humanitarian crisis in large numbers of soldiers tions. It said no arrests were ly attacks by Boko Haram,
search of a United Nations Nigeria’s northeast is one surrounded the U.N. build- made. despite President Muham-
humanitarian base in the of the most severe in the ing in Maiduguri on Friday The U.N. property searched madu Buhari’s declara-
city where the Boko Haram world today,” Edward Kal- morning searching for arms. “did not carry a U.N. desig- tion late last year that the
insurgency began, the lon, the U.N. humanitar- The U.N. said the search nation,” the military added. extremist group had been
U.N. said Friday, expressing ian coordinator for Nigeria, lasted three hours before Rumors have spread that “crushed.” Buhari has
“grave concern” over the said in a statement. “I am the soldiers departed. It Boko Haram leader Abu- since spent two weeks-
military’s actions. extremely concerned that said it had no information bakar Shekau may have long stretches in London
Aid groups and Nigerian these actions could be det- “regarding the reason or been taking refuge in one for medical treatment and
officials at times have been rimental to the critical work motivations for the unau- of the U.N. buildings. Nige- has been out of the coun-
at odds in their approach- that is being carried out ev- thorized search.” ria’s military recently inten- try since early May, creat-
es to the vast crisis in the ery day to support the most Nigeria’s military confirmed sified its search for Shekau, ing uncertainty around the
country’s northeast, where vulnerable in the region, the incident in a sepa- recently announcing a 40- country’s security efforts.q