Page 10 - aruba today 12aug2017
P. 10

                Saturday 12 auguSt 2017

                     Train collision in northern Egypt kills 43; 122 injured

                                                                                                   thority  said  earlier  that  a  crushed  train  carriages  or
                                                                                                   train  coming  from  Cairo,  offer first aid to the injured.
                                                                                                   Egypt’s  capital,  crashed  An  eyewitness  who  lives
                                                                                                   into the back of a train that  close to the crash site said
                                                                                                   was waiting at a small sta-  he  and  others  ran  toward
                                                                                                   tion  in  the  district  of  Khor-  the  site  when  they  heard
                                                                                                   shid, just east of Alexandria.  the sound of the impact.
                                                                                                   The  stationary  train  had  “We ran to the scene and
                                                                                                   just  arrived  from  Port  Said,  we  found  people  jumping
                                                                                                   a  Mediterranean  city  on  from  the  train  and  lots  of
                                                                                                   the northern tip of the Suez  dead,” said Abdel-Bari Ab-
                                                                                                   Canal, when it was hit, ac-  del-Hamid.
                                                                                                   cording to the statement.    By  nightfall,  cranes  aided
                                                                                                   The  statement  did  not  say  by floodlights began to re-
                                                                                                   what caused the accident,  move the wreckage off the
                                                                                                   only that the authority’s ex-  tracks to allow rail traffic to
                                                                                                   perts would investigate.     resume.
                                                                                                   Associated  Press  footage  Rescue teams, meanwhile,
                                                                                                   from  the  scene  showed  continued to look for more
                                                                                                   mangled train coaches on  bodies and injured passen-
                                                                                                   the tracks and several oth-  gers inside the carriages.
                                                                                                   ers derailed as hundreds of  Egypt’s  railway  system  has
            Two trains are seen after they collided just outside Egypt’s Mediterranean port city of Alexandria,   onlookers and victims’ rela-  a poor safety record, most-
            Friday, Aug. 11, 2017, killing at least 43 people and injuring over 100 in the country’s deadliest rail   tives  gathered  around  on  ly  blamed  on  decades  of
            accident in more than a decade.                                                        both sides of the tracks.    badly  maintained  equip-
                                                                            (AP Photo/Ravy Shaker)  Ambulances  were  stand-    ment  and  poor  manage-
                                                                                                   ing by and riot police and  ment.
            By MOHAMMED WAGDY            side Egypt’s Mediterranean  Magdy  Hegazy,  a  top        soldiers  were  deployed  to  Friday’s  crash  was  the  lat-
            MENNA ZAKI                   port city of Alexandria, kill-  health official in Alexandria,   keep  the  onlookers  away  est in a series of deadly ac-
            Associated Press             ing  43  people,  according  said that along with the 43   from the scene of the disas-  cidents that have claimed
            ALEXANDRIA,  Egypt  (AP)  to authorities, the country’s  killed, the crash also injured   ter.  Residents  from  nearby  hundreds  of  lives  over  the
            —  Two  passenger  trains  deadliest  rail  accident  in  122 people.                  homes rushed to the scene  years.q
            collided on Friday just out-  more than a decade.         The  Egyptian  Railways  Au-  to  look  for  survivors  inside

                US-backed Syrian fighters link up from east, west in Raqqa

            By BASSEM MROUE              ahead  before  Raqqa  is  rounded.                        forces. The U.S. spokesman  by IS as human shields.
            Associated Press             completely taken from the  U.S.  Army  Col.  Ryan  Dil-   said  this  shows  the  steady  The  top  U.S.  envoy  for  the
            BEIRUT (AP) — U.S.-backed  militants.                     lon  said  there  remains  still  progress  the  SDF  fighters  international   coalition
            Syrian  fighters  advancing  The Kurdish-led Syrian Dem-  tough  fighting  ahead  and  are  making  against  IS  in  against  the  Islamic  State,
            on the Islamic State group  ocratic  Forces,  under  the  that  although  the  linkup  the  militants’  self-declared  Brett   McGurk,   tweeted
            from the eastern and west-   cover  of  U.S.-backed  co-  of  the  Syrian  opposition  capital. “The fighting is on-  about the linkup of the two
            ern  parts  of  the  northern  alition  airstrikes,  launched  fighters’ east and west axis  going  from  room  to  room  fronts,  describing  it  as  a
            city  of  Raqqa  have  linked  a  wide  offensive  to  cap-  on  the  southern  edge  of  and from house to house,”  “milestone”  that  is  tighten-
            up  for  the  first  time  since  ture the city on June 6 and  Raqqa  was  significant,  this  said  Mustafa  Bali,  head  of  ing the noose around IS.
            launching their offensive on  have  managed  so  far  to  does not in fact cut the city  the SDF media center. Bali  Also  Friday,  neighboring
            IS’ de facto capital, officials  take about half the city.  in two.                    also  confirmed  that  SDF  Turkey introduced new reg-
            said Friday.                 The  linkup  of  the  eastern  Dillon  told  The  Associated  fighters  pushing  from  op-  ulations  at  a  border  cross-
            Though  the  development  and western fronts deprives  Press  in  an  email  that  the  posite sides of the city have  ing with northwestern Syria,
            marked  a  significant  mile-  IS  from  access  to  the  Eu-  significance  is  that  the  met  up.  Bali  said  by  tele-  allowing only the transport
            stone  in  the  battle  for  the  phrates River — and effec-  SDF, despite IS’ best efforts,  phone  from  northern  Syria  of  humanitarian  aid,  after
            IS stronghold, a U.S. military  tively  leaves  the  remain-  have  successfully  battled  that the key difficulty facing  an  al-Qaida-linked  group
            spokesman cautioned that  ing  militants  in  Raqqa  and  across  the  entire  city  from  advancing SDF fighters is to  took  control  of  the  Syrian
            there  is  still  tough  fighting  thousands  of  civilians  sur-  both sides and have joined  avoid striking civilians used  post.q
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