Page 8 - aruba today 12aug2017
P. 8
Saturday 12 auguSt 2017
UK opponents of Brexit mull new centrist political party
By JILL LAWLESS they will go through with this week that “Brexit is a
Associated Press the decision to leave. catastrophe” and called
LONDON (AP) — Oppo- Chapman said Friday on “sensible” lawmakers to
nents of Britain’s departure “there is an enormous gap reverse it.
from the European Union in the center now of British He has suggested the new
are floating the idea of set- politics” that could be filled party should be called the
ting up a new anti-Brexit by an anti-Brexit force. He Democrats. But many poli-
political party. said that two members ticians say Britons demo-
James Chapman, a former of Prime Minister Theresa cratically voted to leave
top aide to Brexit Secretary May’s Cabinet have con- the bloc and it would be
David Davis, has become tacted him to express sup- wrong to override the deci-
an outspoken critic of Brit- port. sion.
ain’s looming departure Former Prime Minister Tony Britain is currently negoti-
from the 28-nation bloc. Blair has also called for pro- ating its divorce from the
He is calling for a new cen- EU politicians from all par- EU and is due to leave in
trist political party because ties to unite. March 2019.
both the governing Con- Chapman, a former jour- Progress has been slow on
servatives and main op- nalist who was chief of staff settling the big early issues, British Secretary of State for the Department of Exiting the Euro-
position Labour parties say to Davis until June, tweeted including the status of EU pean Union David Davis, right, and former chief of staff to the
Brexit Secretary James Chapman, during an event in Glasgow,
Scotland. Opponents of Britain’s departure from the European
Union are floating the idea of setting up a new anti-Brexit politi-
cal party Friday Aug. 11, 2017, with James Chapman leading
the call for a new political direction.
(Jane Barlow/PA via AP)
nationals living in the U.K. growth is faltering amid un-
and the size of the bill Brit- certainty about what the
ain must pay to settle its country’s future trading re-
commitments to the bloc. lationship with the EU will
Meanwhile, U.K. economic be. q
Migrant sea arrivals rising in
Spain, could outpace Greece
By CIARAN GILES experts think the country
Associated Press could overtake Greece in
MADRID (AP) — Sunbath- the number of newcomers
ers on a southern Spanish arriving by boat this year.
beach were startled this The International Organiza-
week when 30 to 40 fully tion for Migration says 8,385
clothed men pulled up to migrants have reached
shore in a rubber boat and Spain by sea so far this
scattered across the sand. year, more than double
The next day, about 700 the number from the same
other migrants from Africa period last year. Greece,
tried unsuccessfully to storm meanwhile, has had just
the border crossing be- over 12,000 migrant sea ar-
tween Morocco and Ceu- rivals in 2017, a huge drop
ta, a tiny Spanish enclave from the 160,000 seen at
on Africa’s northwest tip. the same point in 2016.
The two incidents were the If Spain’s average monthly
latest evidence of the sig- arrivals of between 1,500
nificant uptick in the num- and 2,000 people keep up,
ber of migrants seeking to “it’s a pretty good bet that
make Spain their European it will overtake Greece,”
point of entry. The pace IOM spokesman Joel Mill-
has quickened so rapidly man told The Associated
in recent months that some Press.q