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U.S. NEWS Saturday 12 auguSt 2017
Senate GOP rallies behind McConnell in feud with Trump
Continued from Front Affordable Care Act and
“Majority Leader McCon- even suggested on Thurs-
nell understands the Sen- day that the Kentucky Re-
ate is a deliberative & publican might have to
diverse body. He enjoys rethink his future as leader
broad support in our Cau- if he doesn’t deliver on the
cus,” tweeted Sen. Susan president legislative lineup.
Collins, R-Maine. “Well, I tell you what, if he
“Perspective: w/out @Sen- doesn’t get repeal-and-
ateMajLdr McConnell’s replace done and if he
leadership, Republicans doesn’t get taxes done,
don’t have Neil Gorsuch meaning cuts and reform,
on Supreme Court #prolife and if he doesn’t get a
#progun,” tweeted Sen. very easy one to get done,
Todd Young, R-Ind. infrastructure, if he doesn’t
A sitting president openly get them done, then you
turning on a Senate major- can ask me that question,”
ity leader of his own party the president told reporters
in such a fashion is practi- in Bedminster, New Jersey,
cally unheard of — yet an- where he is in the midst of
other norm toppled since a 17-day break from Wash-
Trump’s emergence onto ington.
the political scene. On Friday, Trump retweet-
And while the fighting ed headlines from “Fox &
words might elate Trump’s In this Tuesday, July 25, 2017 photo, Sen. Susan Collins, R-Maine is surrounded by reporters as she Friends” about his verbal
arrives on Capitol Hill in Washington. Collins and other Senate Republicans on Friday rallied in
core supporters, they can support of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, pushing back against the onslaught of criticism from assault on McConnell and
only hurt broader Republi- President Donald Trump. possible fallout for GOP
can efforts to move major (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite) senators who criticize the
legislation this fall on taxes energized Democrats who Trump factor in many races Connell over the collapse president.
and spending while pre- are rallying to retake the will be hard to predict. of the seven-year GOP There was no immediate
paring for congressional House. Republicans con- Trump launched a bar- campaign to repeal and response from McConnell’s
elections next year against trol both chambers, but the rage of criticism at Mc- replace Barack Obama’s office.q