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A6   U.S. NEWS
                Saturday 12 auguSt 2017
            Officials: Baby found in plastic bag doing ‘remarkably well’

            ELMIRA,  N.Y.  (AP)  —  An                                                             Neighbors checking on an  about caring for the baby
            8-month-old  baby  found                                                               animal-like  sound  coming  when  she’s  released  from
            abandoned  in  a  plastic                                                              from  the  yard  discovered  the hospital.
            bag left in the backyard of                                                            the  baby  Tuesday  after-   Noril  Washington,  Rahine
            an upstate New York home                                                               noon.  The  baby,  whose  Bowman  and  sisters  Karen
            is  doing  “remarkably  well”                                                          name    wasn’t   released,  and Kayla Seals — the four
            despite the ordeal that left                                                           was  wearing  clothing  and  people  credited  with  dis-
            the girl covered in filth and                                                          a soiled diaper and had a  covering the baby — gath-
            exposed to the elements, a                                                             rash over parts of her body.  ered  Thursday  evening  to
            prosecutor said Friday.                                                                Her  mother  was  charged  announce       that   they’re
            Chemung  County  Assis-                                                                with  attempted  murder,  collecting  donated  cloth-
            tant  District  Attorney  Terry                                                        and remained in the coun-    ing and other items on the
            Northrup said the baby re-                                                             ty  jail  Friday  on  $250,000  child’s behalf.
            mained in stable condition                                                             cash bail.                   They  said  Bowman  first
            at a Rochester hospital Fri-                                                           Hoyt  is  scheduled  to  ap-  approached  the  bag  on
            day,  three  days  after  she                                                          pear Monday for a prelimi-   the  ground  and  saw  legs
            was found in a white plas-                                                             nary  hearing  in  Elmira  City  sticking  out.  The  Seals  sis-
            tic  garbage  bag  left  near                                                          Court. The lawyer from the  ters then tended to the girl
            bushes  behind  a  home  in                                                            county  Public  Advocacy  while  Washington  called
            Elmira.  The  child’s  17-year-                                                        Office’s  who’s  represent-  911.
            old  mother, Harriette  Hoyt,   This undated photo provided Elmira Police shows Harriette Hoyt.   ing  her  wasn’t  available  “I’ve  never  saved  a  life
                                         An  8-month-old  baby  found  alive  in  a  plastic  bag  outside  a
            of  nearby  Sayre,  Pennsyl-  home  had  been  abandoned  there  several  days,  authorities   for   comment.   Northrup  before  so  I’m  just  happy  I
            vania,  abandoned  her  in   said. Hoyt was being held in the Chemung County Jail and has   wouldn’t  comment  when  did, that’s all. Happy we all
            the  yard  around  noon  last   been charged with attempted murder in the case.        asked  if  Hoyt’s  family  has  did,”  Bowman  told  WENY-
            Saturday,  authorities  said.                                     (Elmira Police via AP)  contacted    authorities  TV in Elmira. q

            Frat adviser faces hearing in Penn State pledge death case

            By MARK SCOLFORO             tify, a judge said Friday.   clair to enforce a subpoe-
            Associated Press             District  Judge  Allen  Sin-  na  against  Bream,  saying
            BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) — An  clair scheduled an Aug. 30  they  have  not  been  able
            adviser  to  a  Penn  State  contempt  hearing  for  Tim  to  serve  it  on  him  directly
            fraternity  whose  members  Bream, the football team’s  despite  efforts  to  find  him
            are charged in a pledge’s  head  athletic  trainer  who  or  reach  him  through  his
            death  will  have  to  explain  lived  in  the  Beta  Theta  Pi  attorney, university lawyers
            why he has not responded  house.                          or  the  building  where  he
            to efforts to get him to tes-  Defense lawyers asked Sin-  works.

                                                                                                   In this Jan. 2, 2016 photo, Penn State athletic trainer Tim Bream,
                                                                                                   right, and head coach James Franklin, left, check on a player
                                                                                                   during a college football game in Jacksonville, Fla. Lawyers for
                                                                                                   Penn State fraternity brothers charged in a pledge’s death want
                                                                                                   Bream, who was a live-in adviser at the since-closed Beta Theta
                                                                                                   Pi house, to testify about what he knew about an alcohol-fueled
                                                                                                   pledge event on Feb. 2, 2017, that led to the death of 19-year-
                                                                                                   old Tim Piazza, of Lebanon, N.J.
                                                                                                                                  (AP Photo/Mark Wallheiser)
                                                                                                   They want to question him  permission that these activ-
                                                                                                   about  events  that  led  to  ities could occur.” The con-
                                                                                                   the  death  of  19-year-old  sent  of  Bream,  56,  would
                                                                                                   Beta Theta Pi pledge Tim Pi-  undermine  the  element
                                                                                                   azza, of Lebanon, New Jer-   of  recklessness  involved  in
                                                                                                   sey, who died after ingest-  some  of  the  allegations,
                                                                                                   ing a toxic level of alcohol  Ambrose said. The fifth day
                                                                                                   and  then  falling  several  of testimony in the prelimi-
                                                                                                   times  after  a  pledge  ac-  nary hearing for the frater-
                                                                                                   ceptance party on Feb. 2.    nity and 16 of its members
                                                                                                   Bream said in a brief email  wrapped up on Friday, and
                                                                                                   to  The  Associated  Press  Sinclair  said  closing  argu-
                                                                                                   that he won’t comment or  ments  will  follow  the  con-
                                                                                                   be  interviewed,  following  tempt hearing. They could
                                                                                                   his attorney’s advice.       take  several  days,  given
                                                                                                   Defense  attorney  Leonard  the large number of defen-
                                                                                                   Ambrose,  who  represents  dants. Scicchitano was the
                                                                                                   Joseph  Sala,  argued  that  only  prosecution  witness
                                                                                                   Bream  could  testify  about  and  spent  some  37  hours
                                                                                                   the  event  “as  well  as  his  on the stand.q
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