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                Saturday 12 auguSt 2017

            Trump:                                                                                   APNewsBreak: Beyond the bluster,

            North Korea ‘will regret it’ if acts against US ally                                     US, North Korea in regular contact
                                                                                                     By MAT PENNINGTON
                Continued from Front     exchanges  and  spoke  on  are a rehearsal for war.         Associated Press
            The  compounding  threats  condition of anonymity.        All  the  war  talk  in  recent   WASHINGTON (AP) — Beyond the bluster, the Trump
            came  in  a  week  in  which  Still, Trump on Friday sought  days  has  alarmed  interna-  administration  has  been  quietly  engaged  in  back
            the  longstanding  tensions  to project military strength.  tional leaders.              channel  diplomacy  with  North  Korea  for  several
            between  the  U.S.  and  He  also  spoke  of  pursuing  Russia’s  foreign  minister,     months, addressing Americans imprisoned in the com-
            the   communist    country  more  sanctions  on  North  Sergey  Lavrov,  estimated       munist  country  and  deteriorating  relations  between
            seemed  to  abruptly  boil  Korea.                        the risk of a military conflict   the long-time foes, The Associated Press has learned.
            over.  New  United  Nations  He  tweeted:  “Military  solu-  between the U.S. and North   It had been known the two sides had discussions to
            sanctions condemning the  tions are now fully in place,  Korea  as  “very  high,”  and   secure the June release of an American university stu-
            North’s  rapidly  developing  locked and loaded, should  said  Moscow  was  deeply       dent. But it wasn’t known until now that the contacts
            nuclear program drew fresh  North  Korea  act  unwisely.  concerned.                     have continued, or that they have broached matters
            ire and threats from Pyong-  Hopefully  Kim  Jong  Un  will  “When  you  get  close  to   other than U.S. detainees.
            yang. Trump responded by  find another path!”             the point of a fight, the one   People  familiar  with  the  contacts  say  the  interac-
            vowing  to  rain  down  “fire  Trump  later  retweeted  a  who  is  stronger  and  wiser   tions have done nothing thus far to quell tensions over
            and  fury”  if  challenged.  posting  from  U.S.  Pacific  should  be  the  first  to  step   North Korea’s nuclear weapons and missile advances,
                                                                                                     which are now fueling fears of military confrontation.
                                                                                                     But they say the behind-the-scenes discussions could
                                                                                                     still be a foundation for more serious negotiation, in-
                                                                                                     cluding  on  North  Korea’s  nuclear  weapons,  should
                                                                                                     President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim
                                                                                                     Jong Un put aside the bellicose rhetoric of recent days
                                                                                                     and endorse a dialogue.
                                                                                                     Trump  refused  to  discuss  the  diplomatic  contacts.
                                                                                                     “We don’t want to talk about progress, we don’t want
                                                                                                     to talk about back channels,” Trump told reporters Fri-
                                                                                                     The  diplomatic  contacts  are  occurring  regularly  be-
                                                                                                     tween  Joseph  Yun,  the  U.S.  envoy  for  North  Korea
                                                                                                     policy, and Pak Song Il, a senior North Korean diplo-
                                                                                                     mat at the country’s U.N. mission, according to U.S. of-
                                                                                                     ficials and others briefed on the process. They weren’t
                                                                                                     authorized to discuss the confidential exchanges and
                                                                                                     spoke on condition of anonymity.
                                                                                                     Officials call it the “New York channel.” Yun is the only
                                                                                                     U.S. diplomat in contact with any North Korean coun-
                                                                                                     terpart. The communications largely serve as a way
                                                                                                     to  exchange  messages,  allowing  Washington  and
                                                                                                     Pyongyang to relay information.
            President Donald Trump speaks as Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, U.S. Ambassador to the United   Drowned  out  by  the  furor  over  Trump’s  warning  to
            Nations Nikki Haley, and national security adviser H.R. McMaster listen at Trump National Golf   North Korea of “fire and fury like the world has never
            Club in Bedminster, N.J., Friday, Aug. 11, 2017.                                         seen,” Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has expressed
                                                                (AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)  a willingness to entertain negotiations. His condition:
                                                                                                     Pyongyang stopping tests of missiles that can now po-
            The North then threatened  Command  that  showed  back  from  the  brink,”  Lav-         tentially reach the U.S. mainland.
            to target Guam, a tiny U.S.  B-1B Lancer bomber planes  rov said Friday.                 Tillerson has even hinted at an ongoing back chan-
            territory  some  2,000  miles  on Guam that “stand ready  “I  don’t  see  a  military  so-  nel. “We have other means of communication open
            from Pyongyang.              to fulfill USFK’s #FightTonight  lution  and  I  don’t  think  it’s   to them, to certainly hear from them if they have a
            Trump offered reassurance  mission if called upon to do  called  for,”  said  German     desire  to  want  to  talk,”  he  said  at  an  Asian  security
            to  Guam.  “I  feel  that  they  so.”                     Chancellor Angela Merkel.      meeting in the Philippines this week.
            will  be  very  safe,  believe  Such  declarations,  how-  She declined to say wheth-    The interactions could point to a level of pragmatism
            me,”  Trump  told  reporters  ever,  are  not  necessarily  er  Germany  would  stand    in the Trump administration’s approach to the North
            Friday,  with  Secretary  of  indicators  of  a  new,  more  with  the  U.S.  in  case  of  a   Korean threat, despite the president’s dire warnings.
            State Rex Tillerson and U.N.  aggressive  posture.  “Fight  military  conflict  with  North   On Friday, he tweeted: “Military solutions are now fully
            Ambassador Nikki Haley at  tonight” has long been the  Korea  and  called  on  the       in place, locked and loaded, should North Korea act
            his side.                    motto of U.S. forces in South  U.N.  Security  Council  to   unwisely.” But on Thursday, he said, “we’ll always con-
            Tough  talk  aside,  The  As-  Korea to show they are al-  continue to address the is-   sider negotiations,” even if they haven’t worked in the
            sociated  Press  reported  ways ready for combat on  sue. “I think escalating the        last quarter-century.
            Friday  that  talks  between  the Korean Peninsula.       rhetoric  is  the  wrong  an-  The contacts suggest Pyongyang, too, may be open
            senior  U.S.  and  North  Ko-  U.S.  officials  insist  there  swer,” Merkel added.      to a negotiation even as it talks of launching missiles
            rean  diplomats  continue  have  been  no  new  signifi-  “Let  her  speak  for  Ger-    near  the  U.S.  territory  of  Guam.  The  North  regularly
            through  a  back  channel  cant  movement  of  troops,  many,”  Trump  said,  when       threatens nuclear strikes on the United States and its
            previously  used  to  negoti-  ships, aircraft or other assets  asked about the comment.   allies.
            ate the return of Americans  to  the  region  other  than  “Perhaps she is referring to   The State Department and the White House declined
            held  in  North  Korea.  The  what  has  already  been  Germany.  She’s  certainly       to comment on Yun’s diplomacy. A diplomat at North
            talks  have  expanded  to  long planned for previously  not  referring  to  the  United   Korea’s U.N. mission only confirmed use of diplomatic
            address  the  deterioration  scheduled exercises.         States, that I can tell you.”  channel up to the release of U.S. college student Otto
            of the relationship, accord-  American and South Kore-    Trump’s  rhetoric  stands  in   Warmbier two months ago.
            ing to U.S. officials and oth-  an officials said they would  contrast  to  an  ongoing   Trump, in some ways, has been more flexible in his ap-
            ers briefed on the process.  move  forward  later  this  back channel for negotia-       proach to North Korea than President Barack Obama.
            They  weren’t  authorized  month  with  the  exercises,  tions  between  the  United
            to  discuss  the  confidential  which  North  Korea  claims  States  and  North  Korea.q                 Continued on page 27
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