Page 7 - aruba today 12aug2017
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U.S. NEWS Saturday 12 auguSt 2017
University aims to educate 50,000 refugees worldwide by 2022
By MICHAEL CASEY dreams of one day working “It’s like building a whole need to invest in their com- tion secretary, Arne Dun-
Associated Press in health care for refugees. new college from scratch, munities and to be able to can.
MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — “I see another Ella who a radically different model rebuild societies when they “There is no group that is
Inspired by the success of cares about others, an that is global in scope and go back home,” Sheehy more vulnerable or more
a Southern New Hampshire Ella who is fortunate to be incredibly agile to deal with said, noting that the min- poorly served than refu-
University program that al- able to help others, an Ella different locals, settings ister of education in South gees,” said Duncan, who
lows hundreds of refugees who want to share what and challenges,” LeBlanc Sudan and an adviser to returned this past week
in Rwanda to access its from visiting a refugee
courses, a group of anony- camp in Jordan.
mous donors approached To make it work, LeBlanc is
its president with a chal- hoping to emulate many of
lenge: What would it take the things that have worked
to educate 50,000 refugees in the Rwandan programs.
each year? Students there are served
The president, Paul LeB- lunch every day, have ac-
lanc, was intrigued. After cess to laptops and can
some discussion, the do- receive mentoring, career
nors agreed last month to coaching and help with
provide $10 million to the English. Together with its
university so it can study partner on the ground, Ke-
whether its program offer- pler, a nonprofit university
ing associate and bach- that provides education in
elor’s degrees at a Kiziba Africa, the university offers
refugee camp and a Kigali online degree programs in
facility could be replicated. business, communications
Most of the 300 students are and health care manage-
on pace to graduate, and ment.
almost all are getting job or Among the Rwandan stu-
internship offers. dents is Sadiki Bamperine-
The concept of a university In this June 7th, 2017 photo provided by Alex Buisse, students, family and friends celebrate after za, a 26-year-old student
for the displaced comes the first class of the Southern New Hampshire University and Kepler higher education program who fled the Democratic
as the world’s refugee cri- graduated in Kiziba Refugee Camp in Kigali, Rwanda. The New Hampshire university has set Republic of the Congo
sis reaches levels not seen an ambitious goal of enrolling 50,000 refugees from around the world in its accredited degree with his family when he was
since World War II. The programs by 2022. (Alex Buisse via AP) 4 and spent his life in the
United Nations’ refugee Rwanda refugee camp.
agency reports that 65.3 she has,” she said. “I found said. the country’s president are Bamperineza, who is on
million people were forced another person inside me. Only 1 percent of refugees refugees who received a pace to get his bachelor’s
to leave their homelands I am very proud of myself have access to higher ed- higher education. degree in the next two
in 2016. Many refugees now.” ucation, according to Ita With demand far outpac- years, has an internship at
languish in squalid camps If the university can repli- Sheehy, the education ad- ing what is available, the a local tech startup and is
that sometimes lack the cate its results at four more viser for the UN’s High Com- UNHCR is among several already making four times
basics of life — clean water sites by 2019, the donors missioner for Refugees. Few high-profile groups that what he earned at the
and sufficient food — and will agree to cover the cost camps offer higher educa- are buying into Southern camp as a schoolteacher.
where a higher education of 20 more sites in refu- tion to refugees in contrast New Hampshire’s effort to He also was just chosen for
is little more than a dream. gee camps primarily in the to secondary and primary scale up more dramati- a fellowship in Qatar.
“When I was in Burundi, I Middle East and Africa by education. Many refugees cally. Other partners in the “The program helped me
never dreamed of what is 2022. The goal is to offer a are prohibited from leav- New Hampshire program to live a life with a purpose.
happening to me now,” free online education to ing their camps, and those include the American Uni- Now I am able to set goals,
said Ella Ininahazwe, a refugees in jobs such as who can leave often can- versity in Beirut, Massachu- not only for my life but also
24-year-old refugee from business administration, not afford the schooling. setts Institute of Technol- for the whole community,”
Burundi who left for Rwan- construction management “We really feel investment ogy’s SOLVE program and Bamperineza said. “Even
da after her university shut and health care and to get in higher education is enor- several high-profile advisers though I am homeless, I
down. She now attends them internships and jobs mously important to build including former President am not hopeless due to
the Kigali program and afterward. skills that young people Barack Obama’s educa- education.”q