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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Saturday 12 auguSt 2017

            Police: Hair stylist slain in Chicago stabbed over 40 times

            By CARYN ROUSSEAU                                                                                                   During  a  hearing  Friday
            Associated Press                                                                                                    in  San  Francisco,  Warren
            CHICAGO  (AP)  —  A  hair                                                                                           agreed  to  return  to  Illinois
            stylist  suffered  more  than                                                                                       to  face  charges  and  ac-
            40  stab  wounds  to  his  up-                                                                                      knowledged  that  he  was
            per body in a fatal attack                                                                                          the  suspect  being  sought
            last  month  in  the  high-rise                                                                                     by  authorities  in  Cook
            Chicago condo of a North-                                                                                           County, Illinois.
            western  University  profes-                                                                                        Warren, a 56-year-old British
            sor, police said Friday.                                                                                            national, arrived in the U.S.
            The  since-fired  professor,                                                                                        days before the killing. War-
            Wyndham  Lathem,  and                                                                                               ren wore an orange jump-
            Oxford   University   finan-                                                                                        suit during Friday’s hearing,
            cial  officer  Andrew  War-                                                                                         and he appeared unshav-
            ren  were  arrested  in  the                                                                                        en after six days in jail.
            San  Francisco  area  eight                                                                                         “He is presumed innocent,”
            days after 26-year-old Tren-                                                                                        said  his  public  defender,
            ton  James  Cornell-Duran-                                                                                          Ariel Boyce-Smith.
            leau  was  found  dead  last                                                                                        She   said   Warren   was
            month.                                                                                                              “agreeable”  to  being  re-
            Cornell-Duranleau suffered                                                                                          turned to Chicago, but she
            “lacerations  and  mutila-                                                                                          declined further comment.
            tions to his body, his upper                                                                                        Lathem,  42,  is  being  held
            body, but not to the point                                                                                          without  bail  in  California’s
            of decapitation,” Chicago    Andrew Warren, bottom, looks toward attorney Ariel Boyce-Smith with the public defender’s   Alameda  County  and  has
            police  spokesman  Antho-    office during an extradition hearing at the Hall of Justice in San Francisco, Friday, Aug. 11, 2017.   waived  extradition  to  Chi-
            ny  Guglielmi  said.  He  de-  Warren, an Oxford University financial officer accused in the fatal stabbing of a Chicago man,   cago.
            scribed the attack as “cer-  has agreed to return to Illinois to face charges.                                      His attorney has called him
            tainly very intense.”                                                                           (AP Photo/Jeff Chiu)  a “gentle soul.” Northwest-
            Authorities  have  said  the   the backgrounds of all the  questioned  Lathem  and  authorities last week.          ern University said Monday
            attack  on  Cornell-Duran-   men  but  won’t  be  releas-  Warren,  who  separately  The  pair  had  been  on  the  that they fired him effective
            leau,  a  Michigan  native   ing  details  until  they  have  surrendered  to  California  run for eight days.      Aug. 4.q
            who  moved  to  Chicago
            last  year,  was  so  brutal
            that the blade of the knife   Not guilty plea for suspect in Missouri officer’s death
            investigators  believe  was
            used  in  the  stabbing  was   By MARGARET STAFFORD       Investigators  say  Michael  kilometers)  southeast  of  his home Thursday that he
            broken.                      Associated Press             was  killed  when  the  driver  Kansas  City.  His  visitation  bought the rifle and sold it
            When police found him, he    KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — A  of  a  car  he  stopped  for  was  scheduled  in  Clinton  to McCarthy. He eventually
            had  already  been  dead     judge entered a not guilty  a  traffic  violation  Sunday  Friday  and  the  funeral  will  changed his story and ac-
            for at least 12 hours.       plea  Friday  for  the  man  jumped  out  and  shot  him.  be Saturday.                knowledged  that  McCar-
            Guglielmi  said  police  be-  accused  in  the  killing  of  a  The  suspect  drove  away,  A  second  man,  William  thy  asked  him  to  buy  the
            lieve  there  might  have    western  Missouri  police  of-  crashing a few blocks from  Noble,  35,  of  Clinton,  was  rifle for him. He said he did
            been some tension in Lath-   ficer during a traffic stop.  the  scene  of  the  shooting  charged   Thursday   with  so because McCarthy was
            em  and  Cornell-Duran-      Ian McCarthy, 39, of Clinton  then  fleeing  on  foot.  Mi-  felony  tampering  with  evi-  from out of state.
            leau’s relationship.         appeared via video at the  chael  was  able  to  return  dence  after  prosecutors  McCarthy  served  time  in
            “We’ve  been  looking  a     Henry  County  Courthouse  fire. McCarthy was arrested  alleged  he  supplied  the  prison  in  New  Hampshire
            great deal, not only at the   to  answer  charges  of  first-  walking  on  a  road  after  a  weapon  used  to  kill  Mi-  for first-degree assault and
            relationship  between  Dr.   degree murder and armed  two-day manhunt.                 chael.                       a  parole  violation.  He  also
            Lathem and the victim, but   criminal action in the death  Michael,  39,  was  the  first  According  to  a  police  was wanted at the time of
            also  the  connection  be-   of  Officer  Gary  Michael  in  police  officer  killed  in  the  probable   cause   state-  his arrest on a 2015 warrant
            tween all three,” he said.   Clinton.  McCarthy’s  next  line  of  duty  in  Clinton,  a  ment,  Noble  began  “fake  out of Johnson County, Mis-
            Guglielmi  said  Chicago     court  appearance  was  town  of  about  9,000  resi-     crying”  while  initially  tell-  souri,  for  unlawful  posses-
            police  are  investigating   scheduled for Oct. 20.       dents  about  75  miles  (120  ing two officers who visited  sion of a firearm. q
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