P. 23
SPORTS Thursday 28 sepTember 2017
Penalty for failed offside challenge among NHL rule changes
By STEPHEN WHYNO win because it was a blown cause you’re tired, you’re
AP Hockey Writer call,” Commissioner Gary not going to get a break. I
The NHL has a clear mes- Bettman said. “The coach’s think that works well.”
sage to coaches starting challenge was really in- Anaheim Ducks center
this season: Don’t chal- tended to focus on glar- Ryan Getzlaf doesn’t think
lenge an offside call unless ing errors. And by impos- it’ll cut down on icing but
you are really, really sure. ing a two-minute penalty if sees one place where the
At times last season, coach- you’re wrong, it should limit rule change will have an
es challenged on the off the number of challenges effect. “The strategy’s go-
chance a goal would get to those instances where ing to come on the offen-
called back or to at least there’s a glaring error.” sive side,” Getzlaf said. “As
give players a breather be- It’s still not perfect because soon as those pucks are
cause all it cost was a time- a coach who wants to take iced, you’re going to see
out. That is expected to a chance can still claim coaches put out their top
change because a failed goalie interference in some lines — much like they do
offside challenge will in- instances. And there’s still now, but probably to a little Mike Cvik look at a monitor during a coach’s challenge by the
stead result in a penalty as the concern that challeng- bit stronger extent knowing Vancouver Canucks of an onside call on a goal by Dallas Stars’
the league tries to get the es take too long to figure that they can’t call a time- Patrick Sharp during the third period of an NHL hockey game in
coach’s challenge closer out, but the league hopes out.” Vancouver, British Columbia.
to what it was intended fewer unneeded reviews FACEOFF VIOLATIONS Associated Press
to be. The NHL’s Board of make for a positive step for- This isn’t a rule change, that they’re putting the cent of the time. “Usually
Governors gave final ap- ward. Here are some other but officials will be calling linesman in danger of be- the guys that like to get the
proval for the rule change rule changes or points of players for not obeying the ing slew-footed on almost skate in there, they would
Wednesday, replacing the emphasis this season: markings around faceoff every drop, going down be way over that red line.
lost timeout for a failed off- NO TIMEOUT AFTER ICING circles. It was a frequent on one knee,” Walkom You have to keep your foot
side challenge with a two- Since 2005, teams have penalty in the preseason said. “We’re not trying to back. I think it’s more of an
minute minor penalty. been unable to make line because faceoffs are a reinvent the rule. We’re advantage for guys that
Last season, the second changes after icing the haven for Dale Hunter’s just trying to reclaim some really only use their stick to
with coach’s challenges puck, with the design of old adage of, “If you ain’t ice relative to the faceoff win the faceoffs.”
for offside and goaltender creating some extra of- cheating, you ain’t trying.” so that we can have a fair SLASHING
interference, there were fense from fatigue. Coach- Director of officiating Ste- and competitive faceoff.” Broken fingers to Calgary’s
117 challenges for offside, es got around the rule by phen Walkom said the goal Washington Capitals cen- Johnny Gaudreau and Ot-
78 of which were upheld calling timeout to provide is to get closer to the clean ter Lars Eller hopes it levels tawa’s Marc Methot last
and 39 overturned. That’s players some extra rest, but faceoffs from the late 1990s the playing field. season because of slashes
a big increase from 2015-16 now that won’t be allowed. when the markings were “I think it’ll be a disadvan- prompted concern that
when there were 88 offside “That’s consistent with the first put in and make it safer tage to guys that like to get the problem had gotten
challenges, 53 upheld and original intent of the icing for players and linesmen. their skate in there to use out of hand. On-ice offi-
35 overturned. rule that there was to be “Over time, the rule slowly as it a part of winning their cials and the league office
“We’re in effect trying to dis- no substitution by the team eroded to where you have faceoff because now you will be taking a closer look
courage using the coach’s that iced the puck,” Bet- players using their hands, have to have it so far back at and calling more slashes
challenge on offside unless tman said. “I think saying basically banging heads that it’s going to be hard,” in and around the hands
you’re really 100 percent what we intended, namely over the dots, encroach- said Eller, who called him- to reduce injuries and im-
certain that you’re going to if you iced the puck be- ing so much on the faceoff self a stick-only guy 80 per- prove the quality of play. q
Muguruza advances to quarterfinals at Wuhan
WUHAN, China (AP) — Top- Linette fought back in the that didn’t disturb me to at 5-1 but Puig wasn’t
ranked Garbine Muguruza second set, winning five just keep going,” said Mu- ready to go home. Helped
advanced to the quarter- straight games against top- guruza. by seven double faults in
finals at the Wuhan Open, seeded Muguruza before Muguruza faces French Ostapenko’s last two ser-
beating Magda Linette play was stopped briefly to Open Champion Jelena vice games, Puig came
of Poland 6-2, 1-6, 6-4 close the roof for rain. Mu- Ostapenko in the quarter- close to a comeback in the
Wednesday. guruza managed to get finals. decider.
The Spaniard went up an one game on the board Ostapenko also needed Australian Ashleigh Barty
early break in the third- before Linette sent the three sets to advance, continued her strong form,
round match against No. match to a decider. beating eight-seeded beating her second con- Garbine Muguruza of Spain
83 Linette and the Wimble- “I know she is a very good Monica Puig of Puerto Ric- secutive top-20 player returns a shot to Caroline
don champion needed just player,” Muguruza said. co 6-2, 3-6, 6-3. with a 4-6, 6-0, 6-4 win over Wozniacki of Denmark during
the Pan Pacific Open tennis
a half-hour to win the first “She had a very good mo- Up a double break, Ostap- ninth-seeded Agnieszka tournament in Tokyo, Sept. 23,
set. ment in the second set but enko served for the match Radwanska. q 2017. Associated Press