P. 19
SPORTS Thursday 28 sepTember 2017
AL Capsules: Minnesota closes in on playoff berth
By The Associated Press Chris Volstad (1-1) during a fective innings.
CLEVELAND (AP) — CLEVE- six-run second inning. Park- Rangers ace Cole Hamels
LAND (AP) — Brian Dozier’s er Bridwell (9-3) improved (11-5) was charged with six
three-run homer in the to 5-0 in nine road starts. runs in three-plus innings.
eighth inning pushed Min- Jose Abreu had three hits MARINERS 6, ATHLETICS 3
nesota to the brink of a for Chicago, including his OAKLAND, Calif. (AP) —
playoff berth as the Twins 32nd and 33rd homers. Danny Valencia hit a
rallied for an 8-6 victory BLUE JAYS 9, RED SOX 4 three-run homer against
over Cleveland on Tues- BOSTON (AP) — Red Sox his former team and fellow
day. The Indians lost for just ace Chris Sale matched a ex-Oakland slugger Yonder
the third time in 32 games. career worst by giving up Alonso added a two-run
Dozier connected for his four home runs in a playoff shot for Oakland.
33rd homer against Bryan tuneup, including a pair to Khris Davis matched his
Shaw (4-6) as the Twins low- Josh Donaldson. career high from last sea-
ered their magic number Teoscar Hernandez hit one son with his 42nd homer, a
for clinching a playoff berth of his two homers off Sale, two-run shot in the sixth to
to one. and Kendrys Morales had put Oakland ahead before
Edwin Encarnacion hit his the other against the left- Valencia’s 15th of the year
38th homer and drove in hander. Sale (17-8) allowed in the seventh off Daniel
four runs for the Indians, five runs in five innings and Mengden (2-2).
whose 29-3 mark over 32 surrendered multiple hom- Emilio Pagan (2-3) pitched
games is the best in the ers for the third time in five 1 2/3 innings in relief of
majors since the 1947 New starts. James Paxton for the win,
York Yankees accom- J.A. Happ (10-11) struck out then Edwin Diaz closed it
plished the feat. nine while pitching seven out for his 33rd save.
Taylor Rogers (7-3), one of strong innings for the last- ROYALS 2, TIGERS 1
a club-record 10 pitchers place Blue Jays. He was KANSAS CITY, Missouri (AP)
used by Twins manager charged with one run and — Jason Vargas moved
Paul Molitor, got two outs four hits. into a tie for the major
in the seventh and Matt Minnesota Twins’ Brian Dozier hits a three run home run off ASTROS 14, RANGERS 3 league lead with his 18th
Belisle worked the ninth for Cleveland Indians relief pitcher Bryan Shaw during the eighth ARLINGTON, Texas (AP) — victory, leading the Royals
his eighth save. inning in a baseball game, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2017, in Cleveland. Carlos Correa, Brian Mc- over the struggling Tigers.
YANKEES 6, RAYS 1 Associated Press Cann and Cameron May- Vargas (18-10) went six in-
NEW YORK (AP) — Aaron the wall. He squeezed the 7) got the loss. bin each drove in three nings to match Cleveland’s
Hicks robbed Wilson Ra- webbing tight, preventing ANGELS 9, WHITE SOX 3 runs, and Houston clinched Corey Kluber and the
mos of a first-inning grand the ball from popping out CHICAGO (AP) — Mike no worse than the second- Dodgers’ Clayton Kershaw
slam in the outfielder’s re- and limiting Ramos to a Trout hit his 31st homer, Al- best record in the Ameri- for most wins in the majors.
turn from the disabled list, sacrifice fly. bert Pujols joined Alex Ro- can League. He gave up a run and five
and the Yankees clinched Assured no worse than a driguez as the only players Houston (97-60) trails Cleve- hits.
home-field advantage if wild-card berth, the Yan- with 100 RBIs in 14 seasons, land by one game with five The Tigers have dropped
they end up in the AL wild- kees closed within three and the fading Angels won to play in the race for the eight straight to fall to 4-21
card game next week. games of AL East-leading on the road. league’s best record. The in September. Anibal San-
Tampa Bay’s first three bat- Boston with five remaining. Los Angeles remained five Indians own the tiebreaker, chez (3-6) took the loss, al-
ters reached against rookie Tampa Bay (76-81) was games behind Minnesota having won the season se- lowing two runs and seven
Jordan Montgomery (9-7), eliminated from playoff for the final AL wild card ries. hits in six innings.
and Hicks leaped at the contention and missed the with five to play. Astros left-hander Dallas Mike Minor worked the
385-foot sign in right-cen- postseason for the fourth Trout, Brandon Phillips and Keuchel (14-5) struck out ninth for his third save in five
ter to get his glove above straight year. Blake Snell (4- Luis Valbuena homered off eight while pitching six ef- chances.q
AP sources: Owners approve
sale of Marlins to Jeter group
MIAMI (AP) — The woe- unanimous, with 75 percent eighth consecutive losing
begone Miami Marlins are approval needed. season, the longest streak in
Derek Jeter’s problem now. A signed $1.2 billion agree- the majors. They’ll sit out the
Major league owners on ment was submitted to playoffs for the 14th year in
Wednesday approved the Major League Baseball last a row, the longest streak in
sale of the team by Jef- month to sell the Marlins to the National League.
frey Loria to an investment a group led by Sherman, a They’re also likely to finish
group led by Jeter and venture capitalist who will last in the NL in attendance
Bruce Sherman, two peo- be the controlling owner. for the 12th time in the past
ple familiar with the vote Jeter, the former New York 13 years, creating revenue
said. The people confirmed Yankees captain, plans constraints that may lead
the decision to The Associ- to be a limited partner in to a payroll purge in Jeter’s In this Sept. 28, 2014, file photo, New York Yankees’ Derek Jeter
ated Press on condition of charge of the business and first offseason as an owner. speaks to the media after the last baseball game of his career,
against the Boston Red Sox, at Fenway Park in Boston.
anonymity because the baseball operations. Among players who might Associated Press
approval had not been The Marlins have endured be shopped is major league nearly double next year to lion, 13-year contract.
announced. One of the another disappointing year home run leader Giancarlo $25 million in the fourth sea-
people said the vote was and are assured of their Stanton, whose salary will son of his record $325 mil- Continued on Page 20