P. 16
Thursday 28 sepTember 2017
At Queen Wilhelmina Park: A blanket, some bites and bubbles…
Renaissance Aruba Resort Invites You to the ‘Rose All Day’ Event
Relax Package, including 2 your tickets for the ‘Rose All
Smoked Salmon, blueber- Day’ event at the naviga-
ry bagel/cream cheese/ tor’s desk at Renaissance
chives, 2 Quinoa salads, Sa- Aruba Hotel.
lami & cheese bites crack- Extra food or drinks can
ers, Assorted crudités, Cae- be bought on the night
sar dressing, Chocolate of event at a cash bar.
meringue brownies, Straw- Dress code: white or pink.
berries with chocolate More prices and more info,
ganache, 2 waters and 1 please visit: https://www.
bottle of champagne Bol-
linger. Before you head sanceAruba/
home and get to your busy About the park:
and hectic life ensure to Queen Wilhelmina was
de-stress during the ‘Rose the longest-reigning Dutch
All Day’. Stop and enjoy monarch, ruling the Neth-
the moment and experi- erlands from 1898 to 1948.
ence Aruba differently. Wilhelmina Park, with its
Dj Rustica and Dj Joa Salas marble statue of Queen
will make sure the ambi- Wilhelmina amidst tropical
ance is set to total relax- gardens, was laid out in her
ation! Plan ahead and buy honor in 1955.q
ORANJESTAD - SEPT– Aruba Renaissance Aruba Resort mango-ginger pudding, 2
is known for sunny days, & Casino has designed 3 nuts, 2 waters and 1 bottle
white sandy beaches and packages for the ‘Rose of Relax Rose. Also avail-
tropical nights, however, All Day’ event; all three able is the Angel Package,
upcoming Sunday you are of them include a blan- including 2 sirloin ciabatta,
invited to relax at Aruba’s ket, some bites and your sirloin caramelized onion,
Queen Wilhelmina Park as preferred bottle of Rose provolone cheese, 2 Orzo
of 6PM. sharable for two persons. salads, orzo/sun-dried to-
The park is located some- Choose the Pink Package, matoes/artichokes, kal-
what central downtown, including 2 Tofu roti, grilled amata olive, Onion dip &
adjacent to LG Smith Bou- tofu/pink tortilla coriander nachos, 2 apple crumble, 2
levard and west of Renais- mint sauce, 2 Raita salad, nuts, 2 waters and 1 bottle
sance Marketplace. yoghurt/tomato cucum- of Whispering Angel Rose.
ber/cumin padadum, 2 And last but not least, the
Loyal Guests Honored at the Marriott Ocean Club
PALM BEACH - Recently Mr.
Bulesh and Mrs. Anita Skut-
nik were honored as Good-
will Ambassadors of Aruba,
celebrating more than 20
consecutive annual visits to
The ceremony was con-
ducted by Mr. Jonathan
Boekhoudt with Aruba Tour-
ism Authority and was held
at the Marriott Ocean Club.
The couple loves the people
and the beaches of Aruba
and plan to keep coming
back every year!q