P. 17

                                                                                                                           Thursday 28 sepTember 2017



                                  Minnesota closes in on playoff berth

            Cleveland Indians’ Edwin Encarnacion, center, is tagged out at home plate by Minnesota Twins’ Jason Castro, right, as home plate umpire Todd Tichenor makes the
            call during the third inning in a baseball game, Tuesday, Sept. 26, 2017, in Cleveland.
                                                                                                                                           Associated Press
                                                                                                                                                   Page 19
            Column: American golf sees a resurgence of youth

            By DOUG FERGUSON             only  difference  was  a  car  I’ve  always  been  on  the
             AP Golf Writer              company  promotion  —  outside  looking  in.  You’ve
            JERSEY CITY, N.J. (AP) — A  and the size of the group.    got  Justin,  you’ve  got  Jor-
            few  generations  before  Thomas won the FedEx Cup  dan,  you’ve  got  Daniel
            Jordan  Spieth  and  Justin  when he pulled away from  Berger, you’ve got Emiliano
            Thomas  were  even  born,  Spieth  over  the  final  hour.  Grillo.  Hideki  (Matsuyama)
            Ford Motor Co. put togeth-   They won the final two ma-   is  also  young.  Jon  Rahm  is
            er a group of golfers known  jors  of  the  year.  Both  are  even  younger  than  us.  It’s
            as  the  “Young  Thunder-    24  and  have  been  close  kind of weird being in their
            birds” to promote the rising  friends  since  they  first  met  company.  I  said  I  got  an-
            stars on the PGA Tour.       at  a  junior  event  in  Texas  noyed  talking  about  them
            “We  played  a  lot  of  prac-  that  Spieth  won  10  years  so much before, but yeah,
            tice rounds together,” said  ago.                         they push me. And I can’t
            Johnny  Miller,  part  of  that  Xander Schauffele won the  thank them enough.”
            group that included Lanny  Tour Championship by sav-      Complete  records  on  the   Justin Thomas, right, watches his shot after teeing off on the sixth
            Wadkins,  Jerry  Heard,  Jim  ing  par  four  times  on  the  PGA Tour date to 1970, but   hole as Jordan Spieth steps up to hit during the second round of
            Simon  and  Grier  Jones.  back nine and closing with  this  one  was  no  less  stag-  the Tour Championship golf tournament at East Lake Golf Club
            “You just push each other,  a birdie. He ended his rook-  gering.  Players  under  the   in Atlanta, Friday, Sept. 22, 2017.
            and  we  separated  our-     ie season with two victories,  age  of  25  won  18  times                                         Associated Press
            selves  from  all  the  other  though  it  was  too  late  to  this  season,  shattering  the  victories,  or  58  percent  of  can in his 20s at the 2004 Ry-
            young players.”              be considered for the Presi-  previous  mark  of  10  set  in  PGA Tour events.        der Cup and the 2005 Presi-
            What caused Miller to think  dents Cup. He turns 24 later  2000.  And  the  previous  re-  The Presidents Cup features  dents Cup. Then he turned
            back to the early 1970s was  this  year  and  is  —  or  was  cord  deserves  an  asterisk  six  players  in  their  20s  on  30, and the Americans had
            what  he  saw  at  East  Lake  — an unheralded member  because Tiger Woods won  both teams. The Americans  no one in their 20s at The K
            for the Tour Championship,  of  that  fabled  high  school  nine of those events at age  haven’t  been  this  stacked  Club in Ireland for the 2006
            and  what  he  will  see  this  class of 2011.            24.                          with  youth  since  before  Ryder Cup.
            week  at  Liberty  National  “It’s  not  just  the  three  of  Throw in anyone in their 20s,  these guys were born.
            for the Presidents Cup. The  us,” Schauffele said. “I think  and they accounted for 28  Woods was the only Ameri-          Continued on Page 18
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