P. 15

                                                                                                           LOCAL Thursday 28 sepTember 2017

             Divi Sports Week


            A special thanks goes to all
            the  supporters  who  came
            to all the different sporting
            events and supported their
            favorite teams and also to
            the  Activities  Committee
            &  Human  Resources  De-
            partment  from  Divi  Resorts
            &  Grape  Holding  N.V.  for  Sport  Club,  YMCA-Dakota,  his  assistance  during  the  sisted  us  during  these  two  Resources   Department
            their dedication and com-    IBISA, Active Events, Tri-Bike,  Volleyball  games  &  the  weeks.                    hopes  very  much  that  ev-
            mitment to this event.       Dj. Silvano, Reynaldo Sprott  team  of  Eagle  Sport  Club  The  two  weeks  of  sports  eryone enjoyed the weeks
            Special  thanks  also  to  Ea-  and his team for their assis-  for  their  assistance  during  were  again  a  complete  and that we can count on
            gle  Bowling  Palace,  Flat-  tance  during  the  Softballl  the  Soccer  matches,  and  success  and  the  Activities  your participation for Sports
            stone-Piedra  Plat,  Eagle  games,  Igmar  Ogenia  for  all  the  volunteers  who  as-  Committee  and  Human  Week 2018.q
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