P. 14
Thursday 28 sepTember 2017
Fun, Competitive Spirit Rules Divi Resorts Sports Week 2017
Resources Department and
Activities Committee of the
Divi Resorts organized two
great weeks of Sports this
fall. Divi Aruba Beach Re-
sort, Tamarijn Aruba Beach
Resort, Divi/Dutch Village,
Divi Aruba Phoenix Beach
Resort, Divi Phoenix Sales
& Divi Golf participated
actively during these two
The first week of sports start-
ed with the first sport which
was bowling at the Eagle The soccer matches fol- ganized for the first time,
Bowling Palace where The lowed where again the and was a total success!
Pink Panthers Team from team of Tamarijn became The team of Divi Golf be-
Phoenix Sales became the the champions. came the champions.
champions and Ricardo The second week started The Sports Week conclud-
Chin won the individual with the volleyball matches ed on Eagle Beach with
highest score. where The Pink Panthers an amazing closing event
The Softball matches fol- Team from Phoenix Sales of “Spel Zonder Grenzen”
lowed where the team became the champions. where The Pink Panthers
of Tamarijn became the The Triathlon relay event Team from Phoenix Sales
champions. followed this event was or- became the champions.
The Human Resources De- them for their participa-
partment would like to con- tion during the two entire
gratulate all teams who weeks.
won for the different sport-
ing events and also thank Continued on next page