P. 18

             Thursday 28 sepTember 2017
            American golf

            Continued from Page 17       young?’ We’re going to be
                                         in  our  30s  at  some  point.
            The U.S. team at Liberty Na-  But  if  we  can  keep  play-
            tional  has  Spieth,  Thomas,  ing  well,  stay  competitive,
            Berger,   Brooks   Koepka,  keep  pushing  each  other
            Rickie  Fowler  and  Patrick  ... I feel like there’s a good
            Reed.                        chance that all of us — at
            “I  think  they’re  in  pretty  least four or five of us — will
            good  shape  in  the  future  continue  hopefully  play
            with those guys,” Miller said.  on a lot of these teams for
            That’s  how  it  was  in  1998  consecutive years.
            at  the  Presidents  Cup  in  “But  there’s  going  to  a  lot
            Australia, when the first five  of  others  coming  out  of
            qualifiers for that U.S. team  college  who  are  going  to
            — David Duval, Woods, Jim  want to take our place.”
            Furyk,  Justin  Leonard  and  The relationships they have
            Phil  Mickelson  —  were  all  forged  certainly  help,  and
            in their 20s. That figured to  this  goes  beyond  Insta-
            be  the  core  of  American  gram posts from their spring
            golf for years to come, and  breaks. Woods and Mickel-
            it  nearly  was.  Duval  lost  son  never  hung  out  in  the
            his  way  through  injury  and  Bahamas,  much  less  the
            confidence  after  his  Brit-  locker  room,  unless  they
            ish Open title in 2001, while  were playing a Ryder Cup
            Leonard  made  the  putt  or Presidents Cup. They also    Justin  Thomas,  left,  holds  the  trophy  after  winning  the  Fedex  Cup,  as  he  stands  with  Xander
            heard  ‘round  the  world  at  are about 5 years apart in   Schauffele who holds the trophy after winning the Tour Championship golf tournament at East
            Brookline  a  year  later  until  age.  Most  of  this  genera-  Lake Golf Club in Atlanta, Sunday, Sept. 24, 2017, in Atlanta.
            his team appearances be-     tion  grew  up  facing  each                                                                       Associated Press
            came more inconsistent.      other  no  matter  where  group a decade from now,  But  it’s  the  relationship  he  another  guy  and  he  goes
            “It  is  such  a  young  game  they were from because of  at  least  a  chunk  of  it.  He  finds  so  intriguing.  “When  out  and  plays  really  well,”
            right  now,”  Thomas  said  how  organized  junior  golf  knows  as  well  as  anyone  one  guy  does  something  Stricker  said.  “It’s  really
            Tuesday.  “I  was  also  think-  has  become.  U.S.  captain  that  form  can  disappear.  well, wins a tournament, it’s  cool,  and  a  great  outlook
            ing,  ‘Is  it  going  to  stay  Steve  Stricker  can  see  this  So can good health.   almost a shot in the arm to  for USA team golf.”q
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