P. 13

                                                                                                                           Thursday 28 sepTember 2017

            University of Aruba Lets Students and Staff Shine

            ORANJESTAD  -  The  per-
            formances  of  a  university
            depend  on  how  the  stu-
            dents,  professors  and  staff
            achieve, as well as how the
            programs  are  organized.
            The  University  of  Aruba
            honors  their  best  students,
            professors, staff and student
            organizations every year to
            thank  them  for  their  efforts
            and  results  to  achieve  a
            certain level.

            This  time  the  ceremony
            took  place  in  the  Aula  of
            the university that was com-                                                                                        derstaat and Josette Burke.
            pletely  filled,  not  only  with                                                                                   Jonathan  Henriquez,  Josh-
            nominated  students,  but                                                                                           ua  Arridell  and  Dahariana
            also with colleagues of the                                                                                         Evertsz  were  honored  be-
            students, professors and of                                                                                         cause  of  their  contribution
            course  the  university’s  rec-                                                                                     to  different  activities  that
            tor, mr. Glenn Thode.                                                                                               were organized for the stu-
            The  night  was  without                                                                                            dents.
            doubt  dedicated  to  those                                                                                         Last but not least there are
            that served best on a social                                                                                        some  outstanding  profes-
            and service level as well as                                                                                        sors  at  the  university  and
            on an academic level.                                                                                               some  of  them  were  hon-
            The students that were hon-                                                                                         ored  for  their  special  in-
            ored based on their gradu-                                                                                          put.  Micheline Bury, Caro-
            ation  thesis  were:  Kayleigh                                                                                      lien Gaarthuis, Thais Nierop,
            Pawironadi,  Felishah  Pon-                                                                                         Donald  Angela,  Clemen-
            son, Fancis Malca Caceres,                                                                                          tia  Eugene  and  Yolanda
            Mandy Lacle and Marleen                                                                                             Richardson  were  the  lucky
            Stevens.                                                                                                            ones.
            Three  organizations  were                                                                                          Rector  Glenn  Thode  fo-
            thanked  for  their  activ-                                                                                         cused  this  evening  on  the
            ity  within  the  university:  Ki-                                                                                  value of students to society
            wanis Circle K International,                                                                                       and  the  encouragement
            Studentenraad  Universiteit                                                                                         they  give  to  the  island.
            van Aruba (SUA), and Uni-    that showed leadership in-  ing  this  into  action  within  nominated.                “When you decide for ac-
            versity  of  Aruba  Toastmas-  and outside the walls of the  society.                  The winners were: Karel Ar-  ademic  education,  you
            ters Club.                   university. This involves tak-  These students were select-  ends,  Jurney  Tromp,  Kaylin  not only work on your own
            Special  awards  were  pre-  ing  responsibility  for  taking  ed by a board and had to  Palm,  Robin  Lake,  Michel-  development, but on this is-
            sented  to  those  students  a  leadership  role  and  tak-  present  themselves  to  be  angela  Kelly,  Sinthya  Rid-  land’s development.”q
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