P. 8
Thursday 28 sepTember 2017
Corbyn says UK’s Labour is now the ‘political mainstream’
By JILL LAWLESS membership has grown to
Associated Press almost 600,000 since Cor-
LONDON (AP) — Britain’s byn was elected leader in
left-wing opposition leader 2015.
said Wednesday that the Many Labour lawmakers
political center ground still worry that Corbyn’s
has shifted and his socialist socialism is a turn-off to
ideas are “now the politi- centrist voters. But, to a
cal mainstream.” boisterous reception from
Wrapping up the Labour delegates, the leader ar-
Party’s annual confer- gued that “we are now the
ence, Jeremy Corbyn political mainstream.”
said the party espoused “Today’s center ground is
“a new common sense certainly not where it was
about the direction our 20 or 30 years ago,” Cor-
country should take,” and byn said. “A new consen-
had become Britain’s gov- sus is emerging from the
ernment-in-waiting as the great economic crash and
Conservatives were con- the years of austerity, when
sumed by infighting. people started to find po-
Labour stunned pundits litical voice for their hopes
and pollsters in June’s for something different
snap election by reduc- Britain’s Labour party leader Jeremy Corbyn delivers his speech to the Labour Party annual con- and better.”Labour has lost
ing Prime Minister Theresa ference, at the Brighton Centre, Brighton, England, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017. British opposition three successive elections
May’s Conservatives to a leader Jeremy Corbyn says his party is ready to govern and to take over the task of negotiating since 2010, but its four-day
minority administration. The the country’s exit from the European Union. Corbyn’s office says he will say the Labour Party is “on conference in the seaside
the threshold of power” in a speech Wednesday to the party’s annual conference.
party ran on policies widely (Gareth Fuller/PA via AP) city of Brighton was the
derided as expensive and most optimistic in years.
old-fashioned, such as na- ping university fees. seven years of spending bour lost the election, it Corbyn made eye-catch-
tionalizing railways and But they struck a chord with cuts by the Conservative gained several dozen par- ing promises including a
public utilities and scrap- many voters weary after government. Although La- liamentary seats, and its pay raise for public ser-
Macron government to cut taxes _ and spending vants and constraints on
By SYLVIE CORBET elected in May on a prom- is “fair because it meets all care system is considered developers that he said
Associated Press ise to make French econo- the French citizens’ expec- among the world’s best but had contributed to “so-
PARIS (AP) — As part of its my more competitive in a tations, without any excep- has struggled with mount- cial cleansing” in London.
budget plan for next year, globalized world. tion.” ing debt. Corbyn cited June’s fire
French President Emmanu- Macron’s government Both households and busi- The government also wants at public housing block
el Macron’s government is hopes to decrease its pub- nesses are expected to to spend more for defense, Grenfell Tower, which
seeking to balance tax cuts lic deficit to 2.6 percent of benefit from the tax cuts. justice, police, education killed some 80 people, as
with spending cuts to re- the country’s annual GDP. One key plan is the scrap- and environment which “a damning indictment of
duce the country’s deficit. That will be below the 3 ping of a tax on wealth that are considered as priorities. a whole outlook ... which
France’s budget, present- percent limit prescribed by currently applies to people And owners of diesel cars has contempt for working-
ed Wednesday in a Cabi- the European Union. with more than 1.3 million will face a 10 percent tax class communities.”And he
net meeting, is based on Finance Minister Bruno Le euros of assets. Instead, the rise, in an effort to promote derided May’s attempts
an estimated growth of 1.7 Maire said the budget aims government wants to cre- greener technologies. at global influence, es-
percent next year — the to “speed up France’s eco- ate a tax on real estate, in The government passed pecially her visit to Presi-
same as this year. nomic changes” and that a move that it hopes will at- last week labors reforms in dent Donald Trump in
The government plans the country’s problems tract more wealthy French an effort to boost growth Washington soon after his
to cut taxes by 10 billion won’t be solved by more and foreign investors in the and job hiring. Hard-left inauguration.“We must be
euros ($11.7 billion) next public spending. country. unions consider the mea- a candid friend to the Unit-
year in hopes of boosting “Because experience has Budget cuts will apply to sures weaken workers pro- ed States, now more than
growth and job hiring. At shown us that more public governments’ expenses on tections. ever,” Corbyn said, calling
the same time, the French spending was not leading housing benefits and trans- Other reforms regarding un- Trump’s bellicose speech
budget includes 15 billion to less unemployment, on ports, as well as France’s employment benefits and to the United Nations Gen-
euros ($17.6 billion) worth of the contrary,” he said. public health care system. job training are planned eral Assembly last week
budget cuts. Macron was Le Maire said the budget France’s public health next year. q “deeply disturbing.”q