P. 6
Thursday 28 sepTember 2017
Teen charged with shooting 4 classmates faces more charges
By NICHOLAS GERANIOS day, Spokane County Su- der. declination hearing within “We would prefer he be
Associated Press perior Court Judge Michael Spokane County pros- 14 days as required by law. handled as a juvenile,”
SPOKANE, Wash. (AP) — Price set an April 2, 2018, ecutors on Wednesday “We have good cause to Maxey said. “That’s what
Prosecutors on Wednes- date for the week-long upgraded the murder extend it beyond 14 days,” he is; 15 years old.”
day filed 51 new charges hearing. charge to premeditated Price said. Family members of Sharpe
against a 15-year-old boy Sharpe is charged with kill- murder, according to court Defense attorney Bevan and the victims filled the
arrested in connection with ing one classmate and documents. He was also Maxey agreed with the small courtroom. They did
the shootings of four stu- wounding three others on charged with 51 counts of long delay, even though his not speak with reporters af-
dents at his rural Washing- the morning of Sept. 13 at assault, representing other client will remain in custody ter.
ton state high school. Freeman High School near students in the vicinity of all that time. Sharpe made no com-
A judge also decided that the tiny town of Rockford. the shootings, documents “I have all kinds of concern ments in the courtroom.
a decision on whether Ca- Sharpe has previously said. for him being in jail,” Maxey Authorities said Sharpe
leb Sharpe will be tried as pleaded not guilty to one Regarding whether he will said. “This is a process that brought a handgun and an
an adult will not occur until charge of first-degree mur- be tried as an adult, Price is going to take place. Ev- assault rifle to school in a
next spring. der and three counts of at- said the case was too com- erybody needs to be prop- duffel bag he carried onto
In juvenile court Wednes- tempted first-degree mur- plex to have a so-called erly prepared.” his high school bus.q
Killer dubbed ‘Hannibal Lecter’ pleads guilty, gets 25 years
Pickaway County in central self,” Larson said.
Ohio. On Wednesday, Pig- Larson said Pigge was
ge pleaded guilty to killing pleasant around him, al-
that prisoner, David John- though security was always
son, and was immediately tight. The inmate likes to
sentenced to 25 years in read westerns, he said.
prison. Any time in prison for John-
“I guess you never seen son’s death is moot: Pigge
that on a bus before,” Pig- already is serving a life sen-
ge boasted to the surviving tence for killing his cellmate
inmates after Johnson’s kill- Luther Wade and 30 years
ing, according to highway to life for fatally slitting the
patrol records. Johnson throat of his girlfriend’s
was serving an eight-year mother in 2008. He gave
sentence for sexual bat- himself the nickname “box
tery.Pigge apparently did cutter” after the weapon
not want to be around a he used to kill her.
sex offender, Pickaway The state prisons system has
County Prosecutor Judy not said why Pigge, with his
Wolford said Wednesday. record, was placed in a
“Whether the gentleman van with the ability to carry
that was killed was incar- out the killing of Johnson.
cerated or not, he was still The state updated its prison
Prison inmate Casey Pigge, left, waits before he enters his guilty plea to strangling a fellow prisoner a human being, and we transportation policies af-
in a transport van earlier this year, at a hearing attended by his lawyer, Steve Larson, right, on still have a victim in this par- terward but won’t release
Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017, in Circleville, Ohio. Pigge, 29, pleaded guilty to killing David Johnson ticular case,” she said. “I’m details.
and was immediately sentenced to 25 years in prison. Pigge declined to say anything to the judge pleased that justice has “They definitely was not do-
before he was sentenced; he is already serving two other prison terms for two previous killings.
(AP Photo/Andrew Welsh-Huggins) been served for him.” ing their job and monitoring
Pigge’s attorney, Steve Lar- us even with a known Han-
By ANDREW HUGGINS ing his head, he made one interviewing him. son, said he didn’t discuss nibal Lecter with us,” ac-
Associated Press thing clear to investigators. Less than a year later, Pigge motives with his client. cording to a letter from an
CIRCLEVILLE, Ohio (AP) — “Pigge denied any de- used a chain meant to re- “My position is, can they inmate on the bus that day
After Casey Pigge was tak- sire to be a serial killer, but strain him around the stom- prove this case beyond a that was sent afterward to
en into custody last year for could not promise that he ach to strangle a fellow in- reasonable doubt. Obvi- prisons director Gary Mohr,
using a brick to kill his cell- wouldn’t kill again,” a pris- mate in a prison transport ously they could, he made as reported by the Dayton
mate by repeatedly smash- on social worker said after van as it traveled through statements against him- Daily News. q
Standoff on major California freeway ends after suspect shot
By OLGA R. RODRIGUEZ out of a black sports utility cers received gun fire from the pursuit, they said. surrounded the SUV, shut-
Associated Press vehicle and opened fire, the suspect,” the Fairfield, The suspect, who was not ting down traffic for miles
Traffic came to a stand- authorities said. Richmond and Emeryville identified, was taken to (kilometers) on several key
still for hours on a busy San Fairfield Police Sgt. Jeff Os- Police Department later a local hospital where he roads into San Francisco
Francisco Bay Area free- good confirmed officers said in a joint statement. died. and surrounding cities.
way Wednesday during a from his department were “Officers on scene re- A Facebook Live video California Highway Patrol
standoff between police involved in the pursuit of a turned fire and the suspect shot from the air showed Officer Matthew Hamer
and a homicide suspect homicide suspect. was struck during the ex- the man getting out of the said the danger to motor-
that ended after a shoot- He said there was an “ex- change.” car and taking a step be- ists ended about 10:30 a.m.
out with police that left the change of gunfire” during Fairfield police officers tried fore falling to the ground. Hamer said the SUV was
man dead. the standoff on I-80 and to detain the man but he Another video shot by a pursued by officers with the
The standoff during the that the man died of his in- didn’t stop and a pursuit motorist appeared to show Richmond Police Depart-
morning rush hour on In- juries. ensued. Officers with the officers firing their guns and ment and that highway pa-
terstate 80 in the suburb of “Officers negotiated with Richmond Police Depart- the sound of at least 20 trol officers used a spiked
Emeryville ended about an the suspect for an extend- ment and the California gunshots. mat to pierce the vehicle’s
hour after the suspect got ed period of time until offi- Highway Patrol assisted in At least 12 police cruisers tires.q