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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 28 sepTember 2017

             Teen stabs classmates at NYC school, killing 15-year-old boy

            By COLLEEN LONG                                                                                                     up  their  children.  Parents
            KAREN MATTHEWS                                                                                                      said  they  were  forced  to
            Associated Press                                                                                                    wait  for  hours  in  fear.“I’m
            NEW YORK (AP) —                                                                                                     very  upset.  No  one  wants
            A high school student who                                                                                           to send a child to school to
            hadn’t been getting along                                                                                           be  in  danger,”  said  Rosa-
            with  two  classmates  sud-                                                                                         lyn  Valoy,  who  picked  up
            denly  attacked  them  with                                                                                         her fourth-grade daughter
            a  switchblade  during  his-                                                                                        about  four  hours  after  the
            tory  class  Wednesday,  kill-                                                                                      stabbing.
            ing  one  boy  and  gravely                                                                                         Denise Jackson, the moth-
            wounding  another,  police                                                                                          er  of  a  high  school  fresh-
            said.                                                                                                               man, said she was terrified.
            Fifteen  to  20  students  wit-                                                                                     “She hasn’t been here for a
            nessed  the  attack.  After                                                                                         month yet. I don’t know if I
            leaving the classroom, the                                                                                          want to keep her here,” she
            18-year-old assailant hand-                                                                                         said. “I just don’t know.”The
            ed the bloodied knife to a                                                                                          school, attended by about
            school  counselor  he  met                                                                                          1,100  students,  is  not  one
            in  the  hall,  then  went  to                                                                                      of the roughly 75 schools in
            an  assistant  principal’s  of-                                                                                     New  York’s  million-student
            fice and quietly waited for                                                                                         system  that  requires  chil-
            authorities to arrive, police   Parents and guardians arriving for after school pickup are blocked at an entry at Urban Assembly   dren to pass through metal
            said.                        School for Wildlife Conservation, Wednesday Sept. 27, 2017, in New York. Earlier, a high school stu-  detectors.City officials and
            The  dead  student,  who     dent fighting with two classmates at the school pulled a switchblade killing one boy and wound-  parents have debated for
            was  stabbed  in  the  chest,   ing another.                                                                        years  whether  the  school
            was 15.                                                                                 (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)  system  should  be  install-
            A 16-year-old was stabbed    Boyce said the 18-year-old  peared his dispute with the  before  the  stabbing,  au-   ing  more  metal  detectors
            in the chest and side and    was  being  questioned  by  victims  had  been  going  thorities said.                 or  taking  them  away  be-
            was  hospitalized  in  critical   police.                 on  for  about  two  weeks,  Angry  parents,  some  in    cause of the stigma of at-
            but stable condition.        Authorities  were  looking  Boyce said.                   tears,  gathered  outside    tending a school deemed
            The  stabbing  happened      into whether the teen had   They had been tossing pa-     the   school   demanding     unsafe enough to require a
            about 15 minutes into third   been  bullied,  but  it  ap-  per  at  one  another  shortly  they  be  allowed  to  pick   weapons check. q
            period at the Urban Assem-
            bly School for Wildlife Con-  Plan in motion for OJ Simpson release as soon as Monday
            servation,  a  middle  and
            high  school  in  the  Bronx   By KEN RITTER              freed, Keast said.           the public of the release.   Florida  has  not  received
            that shares a building with   Associated Press            Simpson’s  release  is  ex-  “We’ve  been  trying  to  any  transfer  paperwork
            an elementary school.        LAS  VEGAS  (AP)  —  O.J.  pected after he spent nine  keep  things  as  normal  as  from  Nevada,  said  Ashley
            Students  described  tense   Simpson  could  be  re-      years  behind  bars  for  his  possible,” she said.       Cook,  a  spokeswoman  for
            moments  huddled  in  clos-  leased  on  parole  as  soon  2008  armed  robbery  and  High  Desert  State  Prison  is  the  Florida  Department  of
            ets and in classrooms while   as  Monday  in  Las  Vegas  kidnapping convictions fol-  located  in  Indian  Springs,  Corrections.
            the  school  was  locked     under  a  plan  being  final-  lowing a confrontation with  about  45  miles  northwest  Nevada  Parole  and  Pro-
            down,  wondering  what       ized by Nevada officials, a  two  sports  memorabilia  of Las Vegas. It is the main  bation Capt. Shawn Arruti,
            was happening.               prison  spokeswoman  said  dealers in a Las Vegas hotel  processing  center  for  in-  who is involved in Simpson’s
            “The  guidance  counselor    Wednesday.                   room. He was sentenced to  mates  from  southern  Ne-     release,  did  not  immedi-
            couldn’t even keep herself   The  process  culminating  up to 33 years behind bars.    vada.                        ately respond to messages
            calm,”  said  eighth-grader   in  freedom  for  the  former  Simpson won parole in July  A  close  Simpson  friend,  seeking details.
            Abbie Mincey.                football  player,  actor  and  from  a  state  parole  board  Tom  Scotto,  said  Simp-  Malcolm  LaVergne,  Simp-
            The  counselor  told  them:   TV  pitchman  is  in  motion,  that  set  Sunday,  Oct.  1,  son  is  scheduled  to  be  re-  son’s  lawyer  in  Las  Vegas,
            “I’ve  never  seen  so  much   but  must  be  approved  as  the  date  he  becomes  leased  “shortly  after”  Oct.  also didn’t respond to ques-
            blood in my life.”           and  documents  must  be  eligible  for  parole.  Once  1. Scotto cast doubt on the  tions about a release plan.
            It was the first homicide in-  signed,  state  Department  released,  he  will  be  super-  Monday release date, say-  Simpson  was  acquitted  in
            side a New York City school   of Corrections spokeswom-   vised  by  the  state  Division  ing  officials  were  keeping  1995  of  murder  charges  in
            since 1992, when two teen-   an Brooke Keast said.        of Parole and Probation.     plans secret.                the 1994 slayings of his ex-
            agers  were  shot  to  death   Meanwhile, the 70-year-old  His release could come on  Scotto has offered to have  wife  Nicole  Brown  Simp-
            in the hallway of a Brooklyn   Simpson  remains  at  Love-  the  first  business  day  after  Simpson live with him in Na-  son  and  her  friend  Ronald
            high school about an hour    lock  Correctional  Center  Oct.  1  because  state  pro-  ples, Florida. Such a move  Goldman.He  was  found
            before  Mayor  David  Din-   in northern Nevada await-    bation  officials  don’t  han-  would  require  an  agree-  liable  for the killings  in  civil
            kins was to visit the school   ing  transfer  to  High  Desert  dle releases on weekends,  ment  between  parole  de-  court  two  years  later  and
            to talk about violence.      State  Prison  outside  Las  said  Keast,  who  said  she  partments  in  Nevada  and  ordered to pay the victims’
            Chief of Detectives Robert   Vegas, where he would be  intends to provide video to  Florida.                        families $33.5 million.q
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