P. 7

                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 28 sepTember 2017

            American Living:

            For foster parents of disabled children, money stays tight

            By MARIAH BROWN                                                                                                     pleading, my kids need this,
            Associated Press                                                                                                    they need that,” Shine-King
            PHILADELPHIA  (AP)  —  Like                                                                                         said.
            most parents trying to make                                                                                         The old rates were “barely
            ends  meet,  Vivian  Shine-                                                                                         enough  for  three  meals
            King needs to get creative                                                                                          a   day,”   said   Cynthia
            sometimes.  When  she  has                                                                                          Figueroa,  Philadelphia  hu-
            to take her four children to                                                                                        man  services  commission-
            doctor’s  appointments,  for                                                                                        er.
            instance,  she’ll  make  sure                                                                                       Of the nearly 6,000 children
            multiple kids are booked at                                                                                         in Philadelphia’s foster care
            the same clinic around the                                                                                          system,  an  estimated  900
            same  time,  helping  her  to                                                                                       have  disabilities.  The  extra
            save on gas and parking.                                                                                            costs  of  their  care  make
            But Shine-King isn’t your av-                                                                                       adoption less likely for chil-
            erage  parent.  She  is  foster                                                                                     dren  who  will  not  be  able
            mother  to  four  disabled                                                                                          to reunite with their biologi-
            children and relies on gov-                                                                                         cal  families,  said  Heather
            ernment  money  to  make                                                                                            Keafer,  a  city  human  ser-
            sure  they  get  what  they                                                                                         vices spokeswoman.
            need, including — crucially                                                                                         Finding  permanent  homes
            — health care.                                                                                                      for  children  with  physical,
            “Couple    of   times   I’ve                                                                                        behavioral and mental dis-
            had to park the car away                                                                                            abilities  is  crucial  to  their
            and take the children in a   In this July 28, 2017, photo, Kathleen, 12, a disabled adopted daughter of Vivian Shine-King, poses   development,  advocates
                                         for a portrait at her home in Philadelphia. For foster parents of disabled children, money is getting
            stroller,”  Shine-King  said,   tighter. The reimbursements are seen as crucial because the high costs of caring for such children   say.  Constant  moving  can
            because  she  didn’t  have   makes it less likely they’ll ever be adopted. Philadelphia, Missouri and Oklahoma are among   disrupt  their  health  condi-
            enough  money  for  a  $15   places giving payments to foster parents of disabled children a closer look.           tions.
            parking  garage.  “If  you                                                              (AP Photo/Jacqueline Larma)  Phyllis  Stevens,  executive
            gave  me  50  cents  more,  parents  and  others  say,  it  in  June  that  cut  rates  by  Human Services had an $80  director  of  Together  as
            it’s a piece of change that  often  isn’t  enough.Some  1.5  percent.  Greitens  later  million reduction in funding  Adoptive  Parents,  a  foster
            matters.”                    states have a set statewide  said  that  it  was  a  mistake  for the past two years, put-  family support organization
            Shine-King,  61,  got  a  little  foster care reimbursement,  and that there was enough  ting pressure on foster care.  based in Philadelphia, said
            respite starting in July when  while  a  few  determine  it  money  in  savings  else-  The Department in July an-  70 percent of foster parents
            Philadelphia raised its foster  county  by  county,  with  where  to  stop  those  cuts  nounced  a  reduction  to  adopt the child in their care
            care per-diem rates, a daily  the  money  coming  from  from  happening,  but  not  payments  for  foster  and  and are more likely to do so
            reimbursement of expenses  a  combination  of  federal  officially in the budget.      adoptive families by 5 per-  with better financial aid.
            per  child  to  ease  financial  and  state  coffers.  Mean-  Current  rates  do  not  do  a  cent, or $1 a day.    Data on pay for foster care
            burdens,  something  seen  while,  federal  funding  for  good  job  covering  costs,  “Without  a  shadow  of  a  from  Child  Trends  show
            as  especially  crucial  for  child   welfare   agencies  according to Lori Ross, who  doubt,  a  dollar-a-day  cut  Philadelphia  had  lagged
            disabled children because  dropped  16  percent  from  founded Foster Adopt Con-       goes  a  long  way,”  said  further  behind  other  states
            the  high  cost  of  caring  for  2004 to 2014, according to  nect,  a  Missouri  support  John  DeGarmo,  who  has  and  counties  after  not
            them  makes  it  less  likely  a 2017 policy report by the  organization  for  foster  par-  trained  foster  parents  in  raising  its  rates  in  10  years.
            they’ll ever be adopted.     nonprofit  research  organi-  ents.                       Oklahoma.                    The city put forward $9 mil-
            Financial  support  for  fos-  zation Child Trends.       “It is about a third of what  In  Philadelphia,  Shine-King  lion with federal, state and
            ter  parents  in  general  has  Federal  dollars  fund  more  is  actually  spent  out  of  will  see  an  increase  in  the  county  dollars  to  raise  the
            lagged  nationwide  and  is  than  half  the  child  wel-  pocket  on  taking  care  of  reimbursement pay for dis-  rate, hoping foster parents
            pervasive among child wel-   fare  spending  in  Missouri,  a child,” Ross said. The rate  abled  children  13  years  would adopt.
            fare agencies; Philadelphia  which  raised  foster  care  “should  be  adequate  to  and  younger  from  $44  to  Shine-King  has  been  a  sin-
            is not alone in re-examining  reimbursements  in  recent  cover the costs of care for  $51 per day and an annual  gle  foster  parent,  mainly
            reimbursement  rates.  But  years,  although  Gov.  Eric  those kids,” she said.       increase of $2 for five years.  for disabled children, for 21
            even  with  the  increases,  Greitens  signed  a  budget  Oklahoma’s Department of  “I am always begging and  years.q
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