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                                                                                                 U.S. NEWS Thursday 28 sepTember 2017
            AP: Dark days for Senate Leader                           Trump pitches tax cut as ‘middle class miracle’
            McConnell as losses cast doubts                           By KEN THOMAS                health care proposal.        among  the  most  endan-

            By ERICA WERNER                                           Associated Press             The tax plan seeks to slash   gered  Senate  Democrats
                                                                                                   the corporate rate from 35
            Associated Press                                          INDIANAPOLIS     (AP)   —                                 facing  re-election  in  2018.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  Senate  Republicans  reckoned        Promising  a  “middle  class   percent to 20 percent and   Donnelly  has  expressed
                                                                                                   create three individual tax
            Wednesday with an insurgent’s win in Alabama that pos-    miracle,” President Donald   brackets  with  rates  of  12   openness  to  the  tax  over-
                                                                                                                                haul  as  part  of  an  effort
            es clear threats to their own grip on power and the lead-  Trump on Wednesday was      percent,  25  percent  and
            ership of Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.                in full salesman mode as he                               to penalize companies for
            Nearly  $10  million  spent  by  a  McConnell-backed  super
            PAC couldn’t save incumbent GOP Sen. Luther Strange,
            who  had  been  endorsed  by  President  Donald  Trump
            as well. It came the same day that McConnell, short of
            votes, pulled the plug on the latest and possibly final GOP
            effort to repeal and replace “Obamacare.”
            Coming together, the events raised questions about Mc-
            Connell’s leadership within the Senate and without, cast-
            ing  doubt  on  his  reputation  both  as  a  seasoned  politi-
            cal operator and a nearly unbeatable vote-counter on
            Capitol Hill.“I’d hate to think about where we would be
            without Sen.
            McConnell’s  efforts.  But  I  think  we’ll  learn  from  it,  and
            we’ll adjust,” McConnell’s No. 2, Sen. John Cornyn of Tex-
            as, said of the victory of rabble-rousing former jurist Roy
            Moore, known for hanging the Ten Commandments in his
            courtroom in defiance of federal court orders. “We’re all
            listening and watching very closely and trying to under-
            stand the message that’s being sent.”
            To  some  conservative  campaign  operatives,  there  was
            little question about that message.
            “Alabama was a rejection of Mitch McConnell and the
            entire Republican establishment that he represents,” said   Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., an-
                                                                      nounce the Republicans’ proposed rewrite of the tax code for individuals and corporations, at the
            Andy  Surabian,  senior  adviser  to  the  pro-Trump  group   Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017. President Donald Trump and congressional
            Great America Alliance, which spent more than $150,000    Republicans are writing a far-reaching, $5-trillion plan they say would simplify the tax system and
            on Moore’s behalf.                                        nearly double the standard deduction used by most Americans.
            “Everyone  is  going  to  be  under  the  microscope.  That                                                        (AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)
            doesn’t mean everyone is going to have a serious prima-   tried  to  build  momentum   35 percent, with a recom-    offshoring.
            ry challenger,” he said.                                  behind his plan to overhaul   mended surcharge on the     But instead of buttering him
            “But if you think you’re going to be able to take a cheap   the nation’s tax code and   very  wealthy.  Trump  also   up, Trump issued a warning
            shot at the president to score a few political points in the   revive his moribund legisla-  wants  to  simplify  the  tax   shot  to  Donnelly  from  the
            mainstream media, you have another thing coming.”         tive agenda.                 code  to  allow  the  major-  stage: Support my plan or
            McConnell allies strongly disputed claims that he was a   Hours  after  the  White     ity of Americans to file on a   I’ll  campaign  against  you
            drag on Strange, arguing that despite low approval rat-   House  and  congressional    single sheet of paper.       next year.
            ings  that  come  with  being  a  party  leader  in  Congress,   Republicans  released  a   Calling  his  plan  a  “gi-  “If Senator Donnelly doesn’t
            there  was  scant  real  evidence  that  opposition  to  the   framework  for  sweeping   ant  win  for  the  American   approve it — because you
            Kentucky Republican was a motivating factor for voters    changes to the tax system,   people,”  Trump  derided     know he’s on the other side
            in a race where local issues, including the former gover-  the  president  told  hun-  the current tax system as a   — we will come here and
            nor’s corruption scandal, played a major role. But one Re-  dreds  of  supporters  at  the   “relic” and a “colossal bar-  we  will  campaign  against
            publican operative working on 2018 Senate races, who      Indiana  State  Fairgrounds   rier”  standing  in  the  way   him  like  you  wouldn’t  be-
            requested anonymity to discuss internal GOP dynamics,     the plan was “a once-in-a-   of  the  nation’s  economic   lieve,”  Trump  said.  Still,  he
            said  the  party  is  increasingly  worried  about  the  impact   generation opportunity.”  comeback.               predicted  that  “numerous
            of McConnell’s unpopularity among GOP voters on es-       “This  is  a  revolutionary   “We’re  going  to  remove   Democrats” would choose
            tablishment primary candidates, particularly after anoth-  change  and  the  biggest   that  barrier  to  create  the   to back the plan because
            er health care failure.McConnell did get a vote of con-   winners  will  be  the  every-  tax system that our people   “it’s the right thing to do.”
            fidence, of sorts, from Trump, who told reporters asking   day  American  workers  as   finally,  finally,  finally  want   “Democrats  and  Repub-
            whether he had confidence in the majority leader: “I do   jobs  start  pouring  into  our   and deserve,” he said.  licans  in  Congress  should
            have confidence in him, yes. I do have confidence.        country,  as  companies      The sales pitch also offered   come  together,  finally,  to
            But it’s really not up to me, it’s up to the Senate, but I do   start competing for Ameri-  more evidence that Trump   deliver  this  giant  win  for
            have confidence in him.                                   can  labor,  and  as  wages   would — unlike with health   the American people and
            I will say they used him in the race, and I was very hon-  start going up at levels that   care  —  make  an  attempt   begin middle class miracle
            ored by the way I was treated in the race, but they used   you haven’t seen in many    to  cultivate  a  small  group   — it’s called a middle class
            him in the race.”                                         years,” he said.             of  moderate  Democrats      miracle — once again,” he
            Republican senators, too, worried about the political fall-  Passing  the  tax  plan  has   who  might  be  willing  to   said.
            out  from  Strange’s  loss  heading  into  an  election  cycle   become critical for a presi-  cross  the  aisle  and  back   The  president  has  also
            where  they  will  be  defending  a  slim  52-48  majority.  Al-  dent desperate for a win.  his  plan.  Congress  has   made  overtures  to  Demo-
            though few GOP incumbents are seen as truly vulnerable,   Trump  has  faced  repeat-   not  approved  significant   cratic  senators  like  Claire
            others could attract troublesome primary challenges like   ed, embarrassing setbacks,   changes to the tax system   McCaskill  of  Missouri  and
            those already looming for Republican Sens. Dean Heller    including Republicans’ fail-  since 1986, at the height of   Heidi  Heitkamp  of  North
            of  Nevada,  Jeff  Flake  of  Arizona  and  potentially  Roger   ure to repeal and replace   President Ronald Reagan’s   Dakota  in  recent  weeks.
            Wicker of Mississippi.                                    former  President  Barack    popularity and after exten-  All three face re-election in
            “This is going to be interpreted by the so-called anti-es-  Obama’s health care law.   sive hearings and delibera-  2018.
            tablishment forces as a victory they can build on and I   Short  of  votes,  Senate  Re-  tions.                    Trump  urged  those  gath-
            suspect they’ll be out recruiting candidates to try and pri-  publicans   announced    Joining  Trump  aboard  Air   ered to call their congress
            mary many of our incumbent senators,” said Sen.           Tuesday  that  they  would   Force  One  was  Indiana     members to pressure them
             John Thune of South Dakota.q                             not  vote  on  the  latest   Sen.  Joe  Donnelly,  who  is   to pass the plan.q
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