P. 1

Divi Sports Week

                                                                                       September 28, 2017
                                                                                       T: 582-7800 | F: 582-7044

                                                                                                                 Page 14
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
                Tax Man

                   Trump Pitches Tax Cut as ‘Middle Class Miracle’

            President Donald Trump speaks about tax reform at the Farm Bureau Building at the Indiana State Fairgrounds, Wednesday, Sept. 27, 2017, in Indianapolis.
                                                                                                                                    (AP Photo/Alex Brandon)
                                                                                                                                                    Page 3
            Maria, Again a Hurricane, Swirls over North Carolina Beaches

            By BEN FINLEY                away from the U.S. Atlantic  and Ocracoke.                Director Drew Pearson said  The    National   Hurricane
            Associated Press             coast. No injuries have been  No  ferries  were  moving,  in an email.                 Center  said  an  Air  Force
            WAVES, N.C. (AP) — Maria  reported,  but  the  surge  cutting       off   access   to  He said the worst problems  Reserve     reconnaissance
            regained    strength   and  of  ocean  water  washed  Ocracoke,  and  with  parts  were  on  Hatteras  Island,  aircraft  measured  Maria’s
            became a hurricane again  over      eroded    beaches,  of  the  highway  flooded  where  more  than  10,000  top sustained winds at near
            Wednesday, pushing water  flooding  properties  and  even  at  low  tide,  any  visitors        left   under   an  75  mph  (120  kmh),  with
            over  both  sides  of  North  state Highway 12, the only  travel  on  Hatteras  remains  evacuation   order,   but  higher gusts.
            Carolina’s Outer Banks and  road  through  the  narrow  hazardous,  Dare  County  hundreds of local residents
            taking its time to slowly turn  barrier  islands  of  Hatteras  Emergency  Management  were allowed to stay.                Continued on Page 4
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